Which Of These?

Ok thanx, im not getting African clawed frogs i said African dwarf frogs lol

lol, yeah, i guessed that. just thought i'd mention them :hyper:

Lol just making sure lol, wont be able to get in till next thurs but plenty of time to research and get tank ready lol
What foods will i need to get in before the froggies come?
I have freeze dried bloodworms and tubifex (freeze dried)

I am going into local exotic pet store this sat to see if they will have any ADFs next thurs, as ive got to go into town next thurs cos im having a tattoo so ill pick a few up after :D

I have a 60L (ish) fish tank ith a few fish in, roughly how many frogs? 2/3 or will i be able to comfortably have a few more in?
I dont want to have too many mb 4 max

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