Which Is More Valuable?

He means the red marble would be the more valuable. The long fins are pretty common now sadly (IMO breeding shouldn't be encouraged as they're badly deformed). I've personally never been lucky enough to see red marbles for sale locally or online, but I dont get out much so may be missing something there lol.

Edit - ug, just noticed both species you listed are long fins. Ignore my long fin comment, it's just my opinion. I think they're much prettier with the standard fins, and can swim better without them and therefore have a fuller life. Like I said though, just my opinion.
It's not anything specific to Bristlenoses. It means the former, the Red Marble Long-finned Bristlenose is probably more expensive than the latter, the Albino Long-finned Bristlenose which I can find for sale at $10. I've never seen or heard of long fin red marbles so I'm guessing they are more expensive.
Oooh calicos. Heard of them, I assumed you meant the new red spotty bns. Calicos aren't that common in the UK, but I dont think they're particularly rare in the states. I guess they'd still be worth more than plain albinos though. Much of a muchness really as they're both ancistrus sp. 3, just different colour variations.

You can get long finned albino ancistrus over here for about £10. Probably cheaper direct from a breeder.
Don't thank me yet. The overnight shipping will be roughly $40 so if/when you get them, make sure you make it worth your expenses. 12 fish is the same cost as 1 when it comes to shipping charges. :)

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