Which Fish Can You Not Part With?

If I had to pick 1 my ebjd he is great. Carl my keyhole is my other love. My panda corys are great . Out of the 15 differant fish I have here is my list. It's hard I love them all. Here is my list from fav to not so fav. It's hard to pick.
But like some as much as the others there are a few ties.
#1 ebjd
2 keyhole
3 BN pleco
3 panda Cory cats
4 severum
4 bolivan ram
5 blue acara
6 betta
7 emperor tetra
7 x Ray tetra
8 bronze/ albino cory
9 clown pleco
10 red eye tetra
11 red tail rasabora
12 rubbernose pleco


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