Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

Ok, now i have managed to aquire both a chemical test kit and a bottle of the highly recommended sea-chem,
i am looking at filters, i am by no means stacked with cash, so have been looking at these filters on ebay 1400

or this one, 2000
Which would you guys recommend for my 170 tank?, i don't want to batter the poor fish with too strong a current, but i want to be able to maximise filtration, of course any guiding hand would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry if the links don't show up, i'm a link virgin, lol
Your links worked fine, i would imagine the 1400 would be more than suitable based on that it will cycle your 170ltr tank 8 times in one hour.

more like, just under 4 times, if you are lucky. personally I'd like more flow, but its a good, ish, start.

That's fair enough. i think that on that note it would be worth me spending an extra £25 to get the 2000, may as well get the best i can afford.
Thanks for that :good:
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Ex: is a has bean

spert: is a drip under pressure

I use sea chem prime :good: by the way its good stuff

regards onebto
Just to confirm I have cycled 2 and a half tanks (changed dechlorinator half way through on one) using seachem prime with no problem.

Good question though however, just like some previously answered the ammonia is still processable by our bacteria. In fact at lower pHs (below 7) ammonium is formed instead of ammonia which is still quite appreciated by our filters bacteria.
Ok, now i have managed to aquire both a chemical test kit and a bottle of the highly recommended sea-chem,
i am looking at filters, i am by no means stacked with cash, so have been looking at these filters on ebay 1400

or this one, 2000
Which would you guys recommend for my 170 tank?, i don't want to batter the poor fish with too strong a current, but i want to be able to maximise filtration, of course any guiding hand would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry if the links don't show up, i'm a link virgin, lol
Your links worked fine, i would imagine the 1400 would be more than suitable based on that it will cycle your 170ltr tank 8 times in one hour.

more like, just under 4 times, if you are lucky. personally I'd like more flow, but its a good, ish, start.
That's fair enough. i think that on that note it would be worth me spending an extra £25 to get the 2000, may as well get the best i can afford.
Thanks for that :good:
I'll vote for the 2000. lol, no surprise there.
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Thanks for all the input everyone, the whole aquarium setting up is much less stressful with all these knowledgeable heads around.
Another thing you guys could help me with is to do with air pumps, I am looking at a Tetratec APS either a 300 or a 400, which would be the most beneficial for my 170l tank?
The pump that came with the tank is a really cheapo Resun 3w affair, states 1.8l a minute on the label, I will be using a 48" air curtain, which I have already purchased and probably air stones, size and quantity to be decided.
Any pointers would of course be very welcome and appreciated.
As all going well I would like to get everything set up to start a fish-less cycle sometime in January, I still need to decide on planting, substrate and what kind of look I am after (i.e. decor), so I really need to think about getting my rear into gear.
Thanks for all the input everyone, the whole aquarium setting up is much less stressful with all these knowledgeable heads around.
Another thing you guys could help me with is to do with air pumps, I am looking at a Tetratec APS either a 300 or a 400, which would be the most beneficial for my 170l tank?
The pump that came with the tank is a really cheapo Resun 3w affair, states 1.8l a minute on the label, I will be using a 48" air curtain, which I have already purchased and probably air stones, size and quantity to be decided.
Any pointers would of course be very welcome and appreciated.
As all going well I would like to get everything set up to start a fish-less cycle sometime in January, I still need to decide on planting, substrate and what kind of look I am after (i.e. decor), so I really need to think about getting my rear into gear.

first thing. air pumps, and their accessories, are purely optional. so i would purchase my pump, according to the attachments i was going to use. but sound is an important thing too. I'd look at the tetra whisper AP200.
but, as i said in starting, there is no specific pump power for a particular tank size. this is because air pumps are not an essential item in a tank.
Thanks for that Raptorrex, I naively presumed that they were an essential part of a tank set up, I have an ominous impression that my eleven year old son is going to get some kind of air decoration for me for christmas (i just hope it's nothing too tacky, lol), so until i know what it is i had better wait a while.
If it's not an integral part of the tank then at least I can add that at a later time.
Thanks for that Raptorrex, I naively presumed that they were an essential part of a tank set up, I have an ominous impression that my eleven year old son is going to get some kind of air decoration for me for christmas (i just hope it's nothing too tacky, lol), so until i know what it is i had better wait a while.
If it's not an integral part of the tank then at least I can add that at a later time.

I love my air toys. but placing the outlet of your filter, close or on the surface, is all we, really, need.

I do use an Aircurtain, and it has a real job. if you place it at the back of your tank. over time, it draws rubbish and wood pulp, towards the back. this makes cleaning up, an snap.

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