Which Corys Do You Have?

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Up until now i have

7 albino c aeneus
6 peppered
6 c sodalis
4 bronze c aeneus
2 c elegans
2 brochis splendens

goin past the lfs on the way home thursday to see if they have anythin else new in :)

think ive got coryitus :blush:
I tried Bandit Cories on multiple occasions, but they all got sick and died. :( So now I have 4 Albino Cories, who seem much healthier. :)
3 skunk
3 julii
8 peppered

Hoping we'll be able to get more skunks and julii eventually though :)

Some photos....
(they're a bit faded in color b/c I turned the lights back on to take photos of them. They were all happily sleeping until I came along muahahaha)


This is my albino cory cat


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i have two corydoras, but i dont know what they are actually called!!!

i am having trouble uploading images atm haven't put them on photobucket yet!!
the pics will follow though!! :fun:
I just bought my first ever cory's....

Odd really. at first i was just buying them to keep the sand clean (which they do really well), but now they are one of my favourites, you can watch them for ages.. ;)

i have six of the panda ones.. like this little chap below..




Can you tell me do corys have to have sandy bottom tanks, I have just set up a tank and soon will be adding fish, We saw these little panda's in our local fish shop my daughter loved them.

Cory's are more naturally a custom to sand, rather than gravel, maybe fine gravel at a push, it wont harm them in any way, its all about their feelings really!! i hhave 2 cory's, looking into getting more, they are fine and i have 5mm gravel, so you shouldnt have any problems, hope this helps :good:

I just bought two large Cory Panda for £4 each, first I've ever had. They're sticking together like glue so far and won't go near my other Corys, bronze, albino, peppered and julli. There were 2 more in the tank so may go for them too tomorrow. There were tiny ones at £2.25 each but they were far too small.

EDIT. Went and got the other two that they had. Doing okay so far.
Hi guys was wondering if anyone could help me! fairly new to the hobby and i only have a relativley small tank (10g), which has been set up for nearly a year now. the most recent additions were a trio of albino corydoras from a pet store. They had been there for no more that 10 days and one morning i found two of them dead :( both of them seemed to have been nipped to death and one was very nearly decapitated :(!. My prime suspects were my two Angel Fish which of who i am not very happy with! i also have some white mountain cloud minnows but i dont think they did the damage! any ideas?
Hi guys was wondering if anyone could help me! fairly new to the hobby and i only have a relativley small tank (10g), which has been set up for nearly a year now. the most recent additions were a trio of albino corydoras from a pet store. They had been there for no more that 10 days and one morning i found two of them dead :( both of them seemed to have been nipped to death and one was very nearly decapitated :(!. My prime suspects were my two Angel Fish which of who i am not very happy with! i also have some white mountain cloud minnows but i dont think they did the damage! any ideas?

i got 3 sterba corys ;) got them yesterday :wub:

anyway mate...

what are your water params? ammonia? nitrites?

i think it would have been your angelfishes, they can get aggressive towards corys :( and im sorry for your loss
well had a bit of a cleaning day today and decided to clean my goldfish then went onto do the tropicals! so hopefully that will restore some order! Yeah bloody angelfish lol but they do look pretty impressive! Still life goes on :)
sorry no pics but just bin and bought today -

2 x orange laser
1 x sterbai
1 x bandit/ half bandit (not sure as these 2 are very similar, but was sold to me as a bandit......)

the sterbai is smaller than the other 3 and so far has been a bit of a loner!!!!!!!!!!! im sure he will get with the others soon.
Hi I am new to the forum and Cory fish i have 2 peppered and 2 bronze.
But my water has gone really merky after a week of having them i changed
some of the water and changed the wool in the filter but nothing will work
any ideas on how to fix it. Cheers
Im new to corys but as i was bored of plecs found that these were a suitable alternative to them. they are goin to be housed with my bettas.
Was wondering if anyone knew which one stay quite small?

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