Which Corys Do You Have?

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Overfiltration will always help if your over stocking. Im not an expert on this.... (Yet :p) but i think you should be ok atm.

Could someone tell me please are all albino corys C.Aeneus?
in my tank i have 2 pepper corys but there very shy, so i could get a picture. My favourate catfish would have to be the bronze cat fish :)
Hi all,

Loads of stunning fish in this topic! I'm brand new here and am in process of setting up my very first(!!) tank, a planted pico (if I'm getting the terminology right?).

It's a 3 gallon Eclipse with Marineland bio wheel filtration and I've got a single panda cory living with a pair of cardinal tetras and a male red platy. gravel bed with a piece of bogwood, some java fern, lace java fern, and dwarf sagittaria along the back. I don't want to overcrowd my happy little gang but since I've learned that corys are schoaling and do best in numbers, I'm considering adding another panda. Between the bio wheel and my impeccable gravel vac/ water replacement routine B-) should we be ok?

Well, the panda will certainly appreciate the company (he'd appreciate several more friends even more) but a 3 gallon is kinda small. The rule of thumb is 1 gallon per inch of fish although with the bio-wheel filter AND lots of water changes that can be stretched. Your Platy will grow to over 1 1/2 inches. Just keep it all clean and watch the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels.

Good luck.
i have, in the past, kept bronzes, albino and juliis and bred peppered.
i now have 4 sterbai and 2 schwartzi.




I've got ten corys I got for free the other weeek. not really been a keeper of corys but I quite like these



3 boesmani i believe they are......they're a type of pygmy cory, but grow slightly bigger than normal pygmys :)
Nah Corys do not nip each others fins, Scleromystax males may bite other Scleromystax males, but the corys you have are as peaceful as a fish could possibly be. :)

I thought that would be the case but something is and I can't think who it could be???

I doubt a plec could do that, there are 10 silvertip tetras in there and they are nippy I just wouldn't have thought they would come to bottom to nip corys

oh and I forgot there is a small syndontis angelicus in there. could be him I suppose. I'll keep an eye on it
hi everybody, new member here.... I think this is a good place to start.. :nod:

at the moment we have c. aeneus, c elegans and c melanistius.

I had fishtank about ten years ago, but I got tired of it, but now fishes are back...

big tank (450 l) with aeneus, ancistrus and a couple of guppys and platys.
100 l tank with c. elegans, endlers and 4 baby L144s.
60 l for c melanistius
and 50 l for angelfish couple.

aeneus are spawning nicely and we have now about 50 very small and other 50 egg came a couple days ago.

trying to get melanistius to spawn too.. :)

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