I was once going to get emerald cories but these peppers are all green down their sides now so it's all good. If I could find ANY corey I wanted, it would be the laser coreys....what GORGEOUS fish ...at ahem about $40 each ....sigh.
Um my female pepper coreys are well beyond 2.8 inches, the fat little porkers!
Pandas are extremely sensitive to water conditions and do die of mystery deaths. Have you seen Cory Metae? They are black and white, but the pattern is slightly different. They're not as small as pandas, but only grow to 5cm.
I am really surpised The little peppers have beat out the pandas almost 3 to 1. I voted peppered, but I didn't know so many others would. They have been called ugly. But I think they are unique.
corys, never thought i would love them but i do, my albinos are nutters, always on the move at the front of the tank. the reticulatus, boy they r pretty but not so nutty and my orange lasers are the least active. (in england we can buy orange and green lasers for about £8.00, when u can find them. makes a change for us to have something cheaper than the US )