Fish Addict
We try our best to create these beautiful aquascapes, spend hours and hours of our time into researching and maintenance. Yet if we want to successfully share our tanks and aquascapes with other hobbyist we need to take pictures we can be proud of.
Who here can actually hold there hands up and say that they firstly have the correct photographic equipment but more importantly have the correct knowledge to take great pictures?
And i mean quality ADA and CAU style pictures not just a good photo.
I think my favorite photographer in simplicity is Oliver Knot. Apparently, all his pictures are taken with the DSLR Canon 350d using just the standard tank lighting. Exceptional photos for a smaller effort.
However nothing beats in my opinion the photos taken using external synchronized flash in a flash hood at the top of the tank, with a decent quality DSLR or even 35mm SLR.
SO....i do have a question at the end of all that woffle....
Does anyone here know anything about photography ? It seems that the camera to go for is between the Canon 350d (£500 in lens kit) or the Nikon D50 (£450 inc lens kit). A jump up, brings you to the Canon 70s (£650+ inc lens kit) and up again from that gives you the Canon D30 (£800 inc lens kit)...which seems the leader in almost all categories of its use still classed as a hobbyist camera.
Basically, i am tied to a budget but since photography has always been something i have wanted to get into, i am willing to increase it if it gets me far superior equipment. A camera purchase would be another hobby not just purely for the tank LOL !!
At these sort of prices, if i went with the cheaper Canon 350d what functions would i be missing that something like the D30 has ? Would i want to upgrade soon if i took the hobby up properly?
We try our best to create these beautiful aquascapes, spend hours and hours of our time into researching and maintenance. Yet if we want to successfully share our tanks and aquascapes with other hobbyist we need to take pictures we can be proud of.
Who here can actually hold there hands up and say that they firstly have the correct photographic equipment but more importantly have the correct knowledge to take great pictures?
And i mean quality ADA and CAU style pictures not just a good photo.
I think my favorite photographer in simplicity is Oliver Knot. Apparently, all his pictures are taken with the DSLR Canon 350d using just the standard tank lighting. Exceptional photos for a smaller effort.
However nothing beats in my opinion the photos taken using external synchronized flash in a flash hood at the top of the tank, with a decent quality DSLR or even 35mm SLR.
SO....i do have a question at the end of all that woffle....
Does anyone here know anything about photography ? It seems that the camera to go for is between the Canon 350d (£500 in lens kit) or the Nikon D50 (£450 inc lens kit). A jump up, brings you to the Canon 70s (£650+ inc lens kit) and up again from that gives you the Canon D30 (£800 inc lens kit)...which seems the leader in almost all categories of its use still classed as a hobbyist camera.
Basically, i am tied to a budget but since photography has always been something i have wanted to get into, i am willing to increase it if it gets me far superior equipment. A camera purchase would be another hobby not just purely for the tank LOL !!
At these sort of prices, if i went with the cheaper Canon 350d what functions would i be missing that something like the D30 has ? Would i want to upgrade soon if i took the hobby up properly?