Where To Get Java Moss

I bought a cocnut shell cave today covered in java it looks great. just hope it stays that way!!
My LFS in Plymouth has loads of it in stock!!! :hyper:
Yeah I was looking for Java Moss too, unfortunately the prices online are fine, shipping :not so great :angry: It's like 10x the price of the Moss itself :crazy: But I am getting a very small amount with the purchase of my 12 RCS so I am happy about that :D Hopefully that tiny bit will grow quick :)
The best place to find java moss is online. Local fish stores rarely carry that plant. Also, the plant is out of season right now in it's origin country, so it is more difficult and more expensive to procure through a LFS's regular channels. Most of the online sellers, like on ebay, are people who have java moss already and are selling off their excess and you will probably get some snails along for the ride.
erg. i wish my fish stores had what i needed. lol.
johnnypets: i hate having snails in my tank, even the good kinds. :sick: i think they're gross, but just my personal opinion. i'd rather get an algae eater.
I would send you some free as it grows like a weed for me, but I think it might die by the time it gets to you :(
How have you got yours planted? Did you originally put on some form of frame which put on the substrate, or with something like the coconut shell that brads mention. I've seen that on-line and looks quite good.

So can you send it to london without dying? Or feel free to jump on a train and bring it up to me!!!! I work in covent garden, good excuse to do some shopping.... (very expensive designer naff stuff). Not a useful shop anywhere near.
i didn't know where to post this thread but i was looking for it at every pet store i went into and even the places mainly for fish (RMS Aquaculture) didn't have any. i was hoping to get some for my "nursery" for the fry to hide in as well as for my two bettas. i figured that both of my bettas would be much happier with live plants than what they have now but i can't find it anywhere...any ideas?

Found this:

Store name:
Grandview OH (suburb of Columbus)
614 486 7435
In terms of size, not a 'superstore' by any stretch of the imagination ... BUT they carry a very large assortment of live fish. Particularly good seems to be its selection of cichlids. (Some stores sell cichlids as 'assorted african cichlids' - NOT this store, however!)Staff is VERY knowledgable and will question you on all the important parameters (e.g., size of tank, existing inhabitants, etc.) before selling you fish. Also particularly good is the store's selection of live plants. Seems to be the only place in town to get java moss or java fern or water wisteria, etc., on a regular basis.

on here:
thanks! i'll check out the site. do you know if they ship? because colombus is about a threeish if not more hour dive from here and i dont think the 'rents would do that just for plants.

edit: haha the one at the very top of that site - RMS - is the one where i got all of my fish from before. great, great store. only had one mishap with the male instead of female gup, but hey, in that tank i assumed he was a female too xD.
My four juili cory love the coconut shell cave!! :lol: It had only been in the tank five minutes and they all went hideing under it. It's been in there a day now. they don't seem intrested in haveing a nibble!! :good:
thanks! i'll check out the site. do you know if they ship? because colombus is about a threeish if not more hour dive from here and i dont think the 'rents would do that just for plants.

edit: haha the one at the very top of that site - RMS - is the one where i got all of my fish from before. great, great store. only had one mishap with the male instead of female gup, but hey, in that tank i assumed he was a female too xD.

I don't know anything about them I'm afraid. I simply did a google search for 'java moss Ihio' and came up with several results, looked at the frist one (link was provided) and picked one at random. I'm in England so other than doing the google, I cannot help find one near you. You should be able to do a google search with your home town though. Since I didn't know that, I had to go by your location as in your profile.
wow thanks alot. i never even though of that :D. i may check out my phone book and see what else is around.
Any homeowned lfs will order it for you. I hate big "chain" stores becasue they hire people who dont know what they are doing. I only by from homeowned stores ( unless it is a emergancy, Will go up the street to petsmart) and they always order stuff for me. All you have to do is ask! A place called charlies aquairum in pekin, Ill sells it for 2.29 and they give you this huge chunk! But I only go there every 2 weeks becasue of the distance.
sweet sweet. i'll have to remember it. the only locally owned fish store we go to they're kinda rude and act like you don't know what you're doing when i asked for ghost shrimp to add to my tank and when i asked for java moss. i go to RMS because where i live, they're the big fish store. rarely will you see a dead fish in their tank. they didn't carry java moss either. all the staff knows what they're talking about, too. it's about 45 minutes away so next time i'm there, i may ask them to order it.
hey tropical how much are u looking for? i have alot, ill find a way for free shippping
ehh just a bit for my breeder trap for the guppy babies to hide under and some for a 2.5 (?) USg betta tank and a 1.2 USg betta tank. i hear it grows fast so i could just toss it in the breeder trap then seperate it as it grew. i don't need alot for the betta's either, just something to add a bit of touch, especially to shadow's pillar :lol: .

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