Where To Get A Good Shipwreck

It's the way I tell 'em :rofl:
mmmmmm ship wreck nice :lol:

are you sure thats what you want, you can make a tank look much nicer and natural without a Lilliput ship wreck

just get some PVC pipes and silicon some rocks to it job done
There's one at 49° 56' 49" W, 41° 43' 32" N.

Granted it's about 12600ft down and may be a bit big for your tank as it's the Titanic.
most people spend big money on this kind of thing only to remove them after about 2 months after seeing a few nice natural tanks

im just saying think about this before you rush out and buy tat for your tank
These sort of things along with pink and blue gravels were why I always thought that fish tanks looked rubbish and would never own one!!! Taste is different for each person though.

It wasn't until I saw a properly aquascaped planted tank that I thought. That looks good, hence why I am here in the hobby.

Nature is always best and I don't think you'll find many galleons in freshwater in nature!!! Nor 20ft Guppies (scalewise)

Like I say though it is your choice and your tank so its up to you how you want it to look.

Ive tried ebay and nothing to my taste. Ive found a fish specialist about 40 miles away so I might take a run up at the weekend and hopefully see something, or get another idea.
Hi Ryan,

I haven't forgot about the photos, I (hubby) can't find the cable to connect my mobile to the laptop D'OH!! I have to agree with the others about the natural looking tank looking better (I know I could be shooting myself in the foot here!!) You said your tank is 80cms.....the shipwreck that I've got is a smidge over 60 cms, that's with the 2 parts pushed as close as they will go, which only leaves you about 10 cms either end of your tank.

The only reason I've got this shipwreck is it came in a box of stuff I bought off of someone I know, I actually only wanted the others bits!!

I'll try and sort out the photos ASAP,

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