where to find good bettas


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
hello, im wondering if you have a preference for where to get your bettas
big box store?
online even?
LFS for sure, but if I can't find the fish I want, then my last resort would be Get Gills or BW Aquatics.
LFS for sure, but if I can't find the fish I want, then my last resort would be Get Gills or BW Aquatics.
all my lfs sells is like plakat bettas for really expensive lol
they are nice plakats tho for sure
they have nice females too

pretty expensive

would you think a betta that still has blue water in it from petsmart is good or no
all my lfs sells is like plakat bettas for really expensive lol
they are nice plakats tho for sure
they have nice females too

pretty expensive

would you think a betta that still has blue water in it from petsmart is good or no
Still good. The blue color comes from methylene blue, which helps prevent any fungal infection. Just make sure the fish isn't acting sickly.
All betta splendens sold in shops come from the same suppliers in Asia so it doesn't really matter where you get them from.
side question
how do i make a tank divider, i have a 15g tank and i want to divide it, do i need to buy one or can i just diy it
Buy a piece of glass or Perspex and silicon it in.
thanks ill do that
does perspex shatter
i want to drill it so i can get air flow and add a heater throuhgh them
You can drill and cut Perspex with a box cutter, Stanley knife, jigsaw or drill. It's basically thick plastic and is flexible but tough.

You can cut a large hole in a sheet of Perspex and stick black plastic flyscreen to it. That will allow good water flow between the sections but stop the fish getting through. Use silicon to glue the flyscreen to the Perspex.
You can drill and cut Perspex with a box cutter, Stanley knife, jigsaw or drill. It's basically thick plastic and is flexible but tough.

You can cut a large hole in a sheet of Perspex and stick black plastic flyscreen to it. That will allow good water flow between the sections but stop the fish getting through. Use silicon to glue the flyscreen to the Perspex.
we have flyscreen because our windows keep getting broken from the sun or something
so do i silicon it to the tank? is this permanent?
what if i want to freshen up the scape a bit and put them in little mini containers in the big tank for a while and then they can be reintroduced?
You can put a couple of dots of silicon on the glass to hold it in. Or you can just wedge it in and maybe put a rock on each side to stop it falling over.
You can put a couple of dots of silicon on the glass to hold it in. Or you can just wedge it in and maybe put a rock on each side to stop it falling over.
I got a beta today he is in a huge net in the big tank until his 15gal gets cycled and I get a new pump
put a marble or small rock in the bottom of the net to help hold the net open and stop it closing around the fish due to currents in the water
he... escaped....
good thing he's peaceful
he is scared of everything ill let him explore for the day but imma put him with the snails for the night
I bought this guy on EBay. I saw nice ones later at a Big Box store at considerably less. I like mine better, so no regrets. The shipping was the same as the betta when I bought him. I see his price is up $5 now. Beautiful
boy, doing great.

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