Where So You Get Your Stuff?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2006
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the local fish shops have a lot of crap these days. all nemo or florescent plants. im looking to outfit my new 40 breeder size tank. maybe some vines and definitly a big piece of wood in it. where do you guys shop. private fish stores are gone in my area and the other stuff is to comercial.
Yeah I was gonna say fleabay too, I'm quite lucky with the selection in shops around here though so most of the time can get what I want locally.
good prices can be found at any of these online retailers...





(petco and petsmart prices online are way cheaper than in the store, and the prices on some things can often fluctuate. rising and dropping by a dollar or two, sometimes you can find a really good deal.)
I have some nice small local fish stores around me, but I've also gotten stuff from...

Walmart - filter cartridges and food
Petco/Petsmart - miscellaneous supplies
ahsupply.com - lighting
aquariumguys.com - heaters and filters
drsfostersmith.com - meds, filter cartridges, and food
aquariumplants.com - will be ordering plants from there soon

I never had ordered any fish online. And with the exception of my betta, I've never gotten fish from Walmart or Petco/Petsmart.
Hi flyboy367 :)

I'm surprised to hear that there are no independent lfs near you. I live out on Long Island and there are still quite a few even if they are some distance apart.

I get food and some fish locally and use AquaBid for plants and the more hard to find fish. Equipment such as filters, etc. I buy online at PetSmart when they have their "no shipping charge" offer. I can't find better prices anywhere. Sometimes I can find plants and live foods at Petland Discounts and they have the best prices on tanks that I've found locally. :D
Walmart supplies me with the basics like food and medicine. Special stuff and fish I get at the local fish store. You can't beat Walmart's prices on supplies, but their fish aren't usually taken care of. :(
Pretty much all my supplies and fish have to come from Wal-mart. Not a "LFS" within 120 miles, and no, I can't order online, as I have no credit card. I HATE E-bay, I've been ripped off far too many times. I might try Aquabid, but I loath E-bay. :grr: -shudders-

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