Where Is My Nitrate

I must have got confused with my spounge filters! Obviously i have nitrate removal in the filter! I will have to replace these when I buy plants I think.

Last night I added 19 drops of Ammonia, this morning the reading was Ammonia - 0.25 ppm (could be less) Nitrite - 0.50 ppm (could be less)
I must have got confused with my spounge filters! Obviously i have nitrate removal in the filter! I will have to replace these when I buy plants I think.

Last night I added 19 drops of Ammonia, this morning the reading was Ammonia - 0.25 ppm (could be less) Nitrite - 0.50 ppm (could be less)
well, this afternoon the Ammonia is still at 0.25 and nitrite at 0 ppm! Dont think this is righ! I have added another 16 drops and will test again in the morning
After adding 16 drops last night, I tested this morning! Ammonia 0.25 - 0.50 ppm, and nitrite at 0ppm! I should have been gettng a nitrite reading? Also, theres this white foam on top of the water! only a little bit on the sides! Should I do a water change and get another bottle of ammonia
Foam ??? Not normal !!

Nitrite takes longer to appear though if ammonia is dropping you should see some - unless it is getting consumed as it should but seems unlikely - the white foam is a concern

What are you using as an ammonia source? are you sure there is nothing but ammonia and water in there??
Im using Jeyes Clean off. The cycle was doing fine when adding 6 drops per day as I was told on another forum. But I got concerned when I was only getting readings below 2 ppm on ammonia. I will use this filter in my bare bottom discus tank (5 discus) when its ready and thought its best to make sure this filter can handle a high amount of ammonia. I currently have a juwell filter in my my discus tank at the moment but only got one discus and a congo tetra so im not sure when I add my new 4 discus, the filter will handle the waste
Well the Jeyes is what I use also, something seems really messed up in your water, foam is a really bad sign.

What I have noticed is that if the Ammonia level gets too high the test kit does not read properly - I tried to measure the ammonia in the Jeyes Kleen off directly so I could work out the doseage from that but I didn't get any reading at all.

Only when I put it in water did I get a reading.

I hate to say it but I think you may be better off emptying the tank, cleaning down, gettng the filter into a known state with the sponge and media etc and starting again, unpleasant as it is to say this I think it better for the fish and you in the long run.

It is kind of like a PC problem, do you spend three days diagnosing a fault with no guarantee of success or 2 hours reloading it with a guaranteed result ....

As a side issue in which tank do you plan to add the new fish? the existing one or the new one?

Here's an idea - how about running the two filters in parallel on the existing tank for a week or two, then transfer the new filter and say 50% of the water from the existing tank to the new one (when you do a water change?).

Remember also the time of day that you measure matters - ammonia will be highest in late afternoon or early morning - the light has an impact due to the behaviour of green things (photosynthesis).

what is your pH ?? - Ammonia has a more toxic form at high pH and a less toxic form at low pH, un-ionized ammonia (NH3) and ionized ammonia (NH4+), respectively. In addition, ammonia toxicity increases as temperature rises.

We may be concerned over nothing perhaps, depending on the size of your tank you may not have an issue here at all - it will for example take a long time for 6 fish to upset the stats in a 100 gallon tank.

But I wouldn't use water that foamed as you described ....
I think the foam is actually when i put the external filter, maybey I didn't rinse it out too well. It wasnt there before. I will do a water change tonight anyway, and start again. Also, ive been trying to get the heater over 24 celcius and will not go, maybey thats the problem aswell, i kno it can go up to 10 digrees because I had my discus in this tank before I moved her and the decorations etc to the new Tank (Trigon Juwel) I think on the water change i will add hotter water. Maybey as you say, its the time of day i test the water that ammonia is higher, i only get slight readings really, nothing over 1 ppm.

Just a thought, the foam could also be coz there is no lid on the tank at the mo with the external filter pipes being big, mayby its something i have sprayed has gone into the water.

I will be getting the new arrivals this Sat! Im sure the exicting filter in the Trigon will handle 5 dicus if I take things extra carefull, water change often. I also have a Spounge filter in the trigon so Im sure that and the internal will hadle the discus. But need to get this external filter thats runnin gin the old tanl fully cycled just incase
I probably could get away with just simply put the external in the Trigon where my fish are, but for some reason I want to fully cycle it! I think im being a bit too carefull u know!
hm, maybe the reason why we have no nitrates is because its too high for the test drops to work? but that cant be true since i have a tank with a lot of plants >.> oh well, ill just do a water change just to make sure
I think my nitrate problem is solved! I have two green spounges in the internal filter, I was told on this thread that the green spounges (juwel) are the nitrate removal, I thought they where just normal ones! And i have 2 of them!! Arrgh, i better bin them! Have ordered some fine BLUE spounges! Have now go plants in the Trigon, I think my discus has developed a taste for them already!
Good luck with the plants ... If discus go at it like my 2 Silver dollars, if it has roots they either eat it or destroy it .... so far they haven't acquired a taste for plastic ....
well, i will change all the water tonight, take the nitrate removal filters out and start again, think to the way I started it, by adding 6-8 drops per day. Thanks for all the replys

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