Where has Jenny gone?


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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So I noticed this a while back but @JennySolano is gone... The tag doesnt even work... I miss her joking about her whole bathroom being an aquarium 😅... But in all seriousness, most all of her posts are deleted and I am kinda unsure of what happened... Anyone know? I feel nosey but I also do get concerned, even if I dont ACTUALLY know someone...
I believe someone has brought this up before. One of the mods typically tells us to mind our business. People come and go, for personal reasons. Although I miss her too, she was so much fun :-(
I believe someone has brought this up before. One of the mods typically tells us to mind our business. People come and go, for personal reasons. Although I miss her too, she was so much fun :-(
It almost looks like her profile was replaced with somebody else... like when she responded to my journal in the beginning or when she started up the coffee/tea thread
People do change their names on here from time to time. Like Casscats was someone else at some stage
True, but its weird that she would just do that without saying anything... I mean she can do whatever she wants obviously but it just seems strange is all
I was thinking only the other day that a lot of the “grown ups” seem to have stopped posting…
That’s only because us oldies don’t understand all the techy stuff 😂
I had the privilege a few years back to teach a woman in her experienced years how to use her tablet and she greatly appreciated my help... I would go see how she is doing but covid is still high in our area and I wouldnt want to accidentally give her covid... If you need any "basic" tech help, just PM me... I'd be glad to help :)

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