Where Do You Put Your Betta When You Are Changing Their Space?

I put the betta and water from his tank into the container I brought him home in, dump the rest of his tank, then rinse it, the rocks and the plants in water. I full his tank with water that's been conditioned and left to sit until it's room temperature, then put the betta back in it. This is what I've always done over the year and have never had a problem with it.
I never liked takeing my fish out of his tank. But I've never kept them in anything under 5 gallons. I just use a line of air hose to clean the bottom of the tank and take out 25% of the water and replace it with aged water thats the same temp. Of course it means I have to clean up a little more often but for me that the fun part and since i'm in and out in a few minutes it seems to be fairly stressless, he seem to know what i'm doing and just watches, sometimes i get a lil nip from him if i'm taking too long lol.

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