Where do you all live?

I'm 20 and so far I've lived in Michigan USA for 15 years..then I moved to Melbourne Australia for 4 years and now I'm living in Stockholm Sweden. I've been here for a little over a year. I plan on moving back to Australia though. What an AWESOME country!! I love it there:) I love the birds!! My Mom and Step Dad have aviaries all in their back yard and they breed all kinds of parrots :nod: Budgies, Cockitiels, Plumheads, Java finches etc. Also have 2 pet Galahs, a Corella and a Cockitoo:) I love them to bits!!

I'll try and find some pics of all the places I've lived and post them!!
I was in Stockholm couple weeks ago ;) I am usually 2-3 times / year there..

Kan du redan tala svenska? Vad gör du i Sverive då? Studerar vid universitet eller ??


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Jag kan tala bara lite svenska. Jag bor här med min pojkvän:) Jag har studerat svenska i bara tre månader:)

Jag hade lite hjälp från min pojkvän att skriva det här:) :p

Where in Finland do you live? Do you just come here for a holiday?

It's really nice to meet you... really fun to actually write in Swedish..I don't get to do that often:)
BARA TRE MÅNADER?? Och du kan prata/skriva så väl! Jag måste säga att jag är avundsjuk för dig :) Jag har läst svenska redan... hmm... sju år men jag har glömt alla ord :( Nuförtiden måste jag läsa mer, efersom jag studerar vid universitet och före jag kan avläggä examen jag måste avlägga muntlig och skriflig examen på svenska :/ och engelska också. Det är i examensfordring. Engelska är inte så svår men svenska!? Jäklar!!

I live in capital city, in Helsinki. And yes, I visit Stockholm just for fun and holiday. Usually I will be there only a day. Your boyfriend probably knows about SiljaLine. They do thpse 2-days trip - one day in Stockholm (or for swedish, one day in Helsinki). I have been couple times in Abrahamsberg - you know that large fishstore there? What is it called... Hmm... Akvarielagret ;) I have tried to find Akvarie-Stockholm couple times, but never found it, heh...
mrV well I've just went to school for 3 months but I've lived here for a year and a few months and I've also visited here 2 other times for 3 months each time so I've had awhile to hear swedish :) Maybe I have a knack for languages hmmm:) Haha and don't be jealous I'm not perfect.......yet lol :p Well since English is my first language I don't really know if English is easier to learn than Swedish...but it seems to me that Swedish grammer is a lot harder to learn.


Yes actually my boyfriend and I were just in Abrahamsberg yesterday at Akvarielagret!!!!!! Didn't buy anything though cause my tank is fully stocked...just wanted to have a look around and check out the tanks for sale!! They are re-doing the whole salt-water section!! Will be cool to see what it looks like when it's done :thumbs:

Akvarie-Stockholm I've never heard of it....is it a big fish store too?? What other fish stores are there around here? I only know of two and then just the typical Mall arken ones.
OK, well, what can I say about Stoke on Trent?? Hmmm, can't find any decent pics of the city so.... I dug out some famous people from here:

First up, Stoke on Trent is famous for it's pottery industry, so here are some well known potter/ceramic designers from Stoke:

Josiah Wedgewood

Clarice Cliff

Josiah Spode

Then, we have the likes of Robbie Williams, Nick Hancock and Anthea Turner

Not forgetting Captain John Smith. The captain of the Titanic (to whom I am a 7th descendent)

The chief designer of the Spitfire, Sir Reginald Mitchell

Last but by no means least, Sir Stanley Matthews (Played his debut for Stoke City against Bury and got his first England cap at the age of 19)
i live in a west wales town called carmarthen, but orignally come form the valleys and a town called Neath! carmarthen is supposedly the birth place of Merlin and has a great market that is all i know about the place!!


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aloaring said:
i live in a west wales town called carmarthen, but orignally come form the valleys and a town called Neath! carmarthen is supposedly the birth place of Merlin and has a great market that is all i know about the place!!
I've been to Neath once to see a client, I drove the wrong way up a one way street and when I realised I turned round in the police station car park :rolleyes:

:rofl: Well the road system is even worse now!! Stupid council can't design anything properly!! just done a search for a photo of neath and found this:

The sad man of neath: he wants a date !!


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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh yes drinking beers in Neath Castle... lovely!!! :lol:
God i hope i don't ever meet him i wouldn't be able to stop myself laughing :lol:

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