Where do they find these people!?!?

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if they fell so bad about being stuipd why dont they take 10 min a day reading a book, maby they will get a little more then the basics, well you know if they were a fully comptent about fish they probley could become the department manger, so if you ask me you do a job or you dont do a jobl, you cant learn about fish a little time out of your day then you shouldnt be in the fish department, i wish walmart issued a book.......

well you gona have another oburst?.
I guess that saying: "Simple things for simple minds" holds true yet again.

I was hoping you guys would get my point, but i'll simplify it for you a little further:

Wal-Mart hires people, not experts. Just because someone doesn't know a lot about fish doesn't mean they deserve disrespect.

Thats all I was trying to say.

And I don't view fish as a product, I don't know where you ppl get that idea... But it is my job to sell them as a product. Oh and by the way, I became livestock manager at Petcetera, and now my bettas are in the wal tanks, not in cups.
:wub: aaawww HooDude :wub: no more cups,really? your good people :wub:

as far as this whole subject goes....I've come to the conclusion that ya can't change the world all at once, bettas are mistreated all over this world as are other fish, animals, and saddest of all people . It's just the human spirit that's to blame ,more than the faceless corporation of which we've been discussing. While I was talking about the treatment of bettas to the manager of my local -_- ....wal-mart ,he was just staring at me and I knew he was thinking "when's she going to shut up,I've got things to do,it's just a fish" Just a fish....which is true on one hand but still....it's a living creature and being such deserves respect.

But it would take a LOT to convince said store to stop selling bettas, they're widely available , bred, and sold cheap

I figured up the #'s one time, for 8,000 stores nation wide, each store selling at least 40 bettas a week....it came up to be a $56,000,000 a year industry ( I even worked in cost ,guesstimating) so I don't imagine it's a business they'll give up anytime soon.

So all I can do is pop in my wal-mart and raise heck about the bettas a couple of times a week :grr: , and maybe they'll give them more acknowledgement (in dread of my unexpected visits :lol: ) or maybe not ,but really teaching people to respect a fish who's so sweet & so easy to maintain (so easy that they're easily overlooked :sad: ) is really all we can do
Wal Mart is irritatingly uneducated about their poor fishies. On the bright side, though, the fish dont actually live permanently in those tiny homes. There is one lady at our WalMart who sort of knows what she's doing but shes kind of weird... she wears sparkly pajama pants to work, calls the fish "dummyheads" and another employee told me she takes her own fish out of its tank at home and yells at it..... :unsure:
Indeed... where DO they find these people.

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