Where do they find these people!?!?

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I think it might be because it is a walmart supercenter. They carry alcohol 'an stuff.
well im glad that the u.k isnt seeling fishies in supermarkets.....ASDA has just been taken over by WAL-MART...but i dont think that anyone over here would even think about selling fishies in their shops.....its strictly a specialist business over here and i hope it stays that way
All I gotta say is I am sooooooo glad there isn't a Walmart close to me
So do I :lol:

don't think people would mind if somebody went out and protested the treatment the fishies are recieving at Wal-Mart.

What about protection of animals? Call to society/vet/municipal vet that manages these matters..
everytime i pass through wal-mart i happen to notice that the little tiny cups they use for the bettas usually never have enough water to even completly emerge the poor fish. i mentioned that to someone working there one day and they say thats all tghe water the put in them to keep it from being spit when they go through check-out. wonder how many ever live
Hey bluepacific,

I had the same problem with Big Als. I brought home a couple more lady cichlids (my male wasn't satisfied with having only the one he already had) and it turned out they were carrying Hexamita. Finally dealt with that, and discovered they were also carrying nematodes. What the sad part of the whole thing is (other than having sick fish, obviously) is that I purchased them from the HEAD OFFICE/STORE, here in Toronto. It's really sad.

Completely off topic, I noticed you put BC, wetcoast, Canada. Was this just a typo, because a friend of mine moved over there about a year ago for work, and every time I talk to him, he complains that it rains all the time. :)

i live in enland and the prob is not as bad but there is fish being sold at my local DIY and they are treated bad when started in the hoby i bought fish from there but they died quickly i now never user the shop
Our Walmart has at least used a better solution than the one posted here. They have set up breeding tanks in the larger community aquaria. They then put a single betta in each.

Other than possibly stress the betta out by THINKING that he'll get picked on, no harm done.

Perhaps people could ask that their Walmarts do the same? (The two near our house both do the same.)
its horrible i just rescued a betta from my local garden center there were 3 in tiny little containers not looking very at all so i just had to rescue 1.
tetraboy said:
i live in enland and the prob is not as bad but there is fish being sold at my local DIY and they are treated bad when started in the hoby i bought fish from there but they died quickly i now never user the shop
i know exactly what you mean there is one by me that has the same staff for the pets as they do for the diy. dumb monkeys put the bags in the treatment tank to tie them up. they have to change their name all the time because they get reported and people know not to go there on animal rights grounds and stuff. i like to get my equiptment from them as its cheap but dont know why anyone would buy one of their fish. strictly kittens in glass tanks sort of shops kinda freaky
I just wanted to tell you all that not all walmarts are the same, because the one near me is kinda okay. I mean they do put the bettas in little cups, and they dont have that much water in them. But I just wanted to say that I have bought 4 bettas there and none of them have died, gotten sick with anything, and they are all perfectly fine, except they had a few nipped fins!

The reason I go to Walmart is because the only other place i know where I can buy fish is like an hour away, and I dont have time to go there that often, and my mom doesnt like me to drive there. HEHEHEhehehehe but I do anyway.
Seems like it's up to us to save all those cuties. If only I have millions of dollars and a big house, you can bet I will have a tank of all size in every room with different fishes. Plus a tank or two at work. *sigh*

It's just not right how they treat them fishies. :sad: :no: :angry:
The Walmart near me is fine most of the time, sometimes when you go ever tan kthey have in there has ich but most of the time not. They also have a nursery and hospital tanks for when someone notices a disease. But I do agree they should loo kfor better employees on their fish section.
My two cents on the Wal-Mart betta subject may not be well received, but as someone who once worked for a warehouse that supplied fish to stores I can tell you the guys in cups have a vastly improved lifestyle for the time they are on the shelf at the store.

As for the water level, once startled, or when lighting changes, bettas are very prone to jumping out of the cups. Low levels discourage that happening.

I don't buy fish from Wal-mart (except bettas) but thankfully my local wally world has a lady in the fish department who generally seems to know her stuff. BUT....I went in to my mother's wal-mart yesterday and it was just shameful, absolutely terrible betta conditions, I ended up buying 3 of them just because I couldn't leave them there like that (reason we were there was to purchase some stuff for my little brother's new betta that he rescued from a festival...this guy was selling "lucky bamboo" and he had the nerve to put a betta in the tiniest of bowls FULL of rocks and the poor fish couldn't even move,it was HOT HOT HOT out so he put the betta in a cooler of ice :sad: of course I raised heck and the guy knocked the price down about 75% and the betta got a new loving home )

Point of the story....I asked the manager who ran the fish department and he said nobody....NOBODY! That's just ridiculous, at least stores such as Target have the common sense to realize how much work is involved in fish keeping, so they don't sell live pets. And prying off the lids to those betta cups isn't easy and I am sure that NOBODY stands there every day and takes them off one at a time to feed those poor babies :sad: the holes in the top aren't big enough for any food to fit through :-( .After asking the manager why they bother even stocking fish that they're not going to care for he replied..."because they sell"


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