Where do they find these people!?!?

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New Member
Mar 24, 2003
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North Carolina, U.S.A.
When i went to Wal-mart one day i was looking at the fish and they have a woman working there and i don't what is wrong with her but she was mixing the fishes water. Then she put a BETTA in with the TIGER BARBS!!! (how dumb is that?) I told her it was a bad idea so she took it out. Then she put another one in there!!!!!!!!!! (gee wiz) Then she took that one out and i left and came back a few days later and i saw another poor betta in there with the tigers and its tail and fins were almost completely GONE. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD. :(
All I gotta say is I am sooooooo glad there isn't a Walmart close to me--no Petco, no Petsmart. I'd be in there raising a big hoopla about cruelty to betta and all, I'd sic PETA on them, something. It'd be like throwing a cat into a room full of dogs--too cruel to think about. Can you demand to talk to her manager? Stores usually don't want irate customers.
I am only 16 so since i can't get a real good job i was thinking about working in the pet department since i obviously know more about fish than the current staff.

They have those bettas in very little cups and one guy working there knocked some over!
That would be a great if you could--your Walmart bettas would appreciate it. However, I doubt the Walmart allows its workers to use bigger tanks for individual bettas--limited space and cost. You'd also probably be taking home (buying) more bettas then you planned on just to save them from dying slow deaths. But at least the small cups would be cleaned every day and they'd have appropriate lids, and you'd dispense legitimate, helpful advice.
Go for it fish guy and save those little lives they be so good to see you take an interest in their well being!!!!

Cant believe that petshops over in uk, leave baby fry in the tank to be chased and eaten by other fish and that really out rages me!!!!! :*)

I'm on the hunt for unwanted fry that they leave out for food.

Myself and candy i going to be the fish rescue team for cruelty to baby fish!!!!

I don't go to Petsmart, Walmart, etc. I was going to Big Al's for a while and every fish I got from there was sick and died quickly.
The new Superpet that opened was a bit better. The staff there was gentle with the fish and very knowledgable about them. The clown loach I got from there was healthy and fine and still living... but that was on it's opening day... I wonder where they'll be down the road if they get people working there who don't care :(

Thank God for the petshop I found across the highway from me! Whew! EVERY person in there is fish-smart - totally! No wonder they've been in business for so many years.

It's sad that these giant superstores are taking over the smaller specialized shops. What's even funnier is that this small privately owned shop I go to is CHEAPER than any of those corporate chains.

Know what else? Even if their prices were higher, I'd STILL buy from them, because I support private industry here in Canada like that.
The walmarts prices are cheaper than the pet stores i have been to but i don't like how the care is there. Just because fish are small dosen't mean they are any less important. I live in North Carolina and we are kinda country people and one day they were going to have a hog killing to so the smaller kids the tradition. And all these animal rights people came out and protested. Well why don't they protest about some of the care given to those poor lil fishes.

And another thing i noticed. They were feeding those little rose red minnows to the oscars.
To new_fish_guy86:

I'm 20 and I work at my local Wal-Mart. Basically, I went to personnel, laid out what I had to offer and they hired me. Most people at Wal-Mart hate working with the fish so when they found someone willing and competent, they jumped on it!

I have a high hourly pay, a huge amount of freedom of what goes in my tanks, I have loyal customers and healthy, vibrant fish.

Go for it, and use my store, #597 as an example.
its more common among people and businisesses that sell something ot be more concerned with the moeny they are getting than things like the costomer or the product. the best sellers are the ones that appear most interested in the sale. try thinking differently when your out shopping next. im shure you will but immagin that you are selling potatoes and an little bit of empathy will creep in. its a shame that the people in charge of thease departments are so hooked on profit that they dont see that they are doing the customer and the product a disservice.. what do i think of mc donaldand or kentuckville fried chicken (wouldnt wanna get anyone involved in a law suit here but business is business and your money is moeny they just dont have. <---sinic
Uh..fishguy...one problemo...you have to be 18 to work in a walmart store. I figured that out this summer. I tried to get a job there (Im 17 and turn 18 in july) and they wouldnt hire me. I even did it for the fishies! I wanted to save them all! Geez...they stick 10 Oscars in a 10 gallon, same with Columbian (black fin) shark, and other fish that get WAYY too big for them. God I wish I could have gotten that job!
:/ Must be some special law in Nebraska. In Illinois, I know that my nephew worked at Walmart from the time he was 16 until he graduated from high school, and his younger brother got a job there, too, when he turned 16.
I hate Wal-Mart. :sick: The people who work there are the kind of people with absolutely no skills. I can understand that if she was just transferred from the feminine hygiene department or something that maybe she knew nothing about fish.(But then again, I don't know a whole lot either but I would never do that.) However, I can't understand that she would put him back in after you told her to take him out. :crazy: What was she thinking? I would just avoid going to Wal-Mart, since there are always going to be stupid people there. By the way, that's not lack of knowledge, that's just plain stupidity.

ps: did you know that Wal-Mart has more employees than the federal government? If you ask me, that's just plain evil.
new_fish_guy86 said:
The walmarts prices are cheaper than the pet stores i have been to but i don't like how the care is there. Just because fish are small dosen't mean they are any less important. I live in North Carolina and we are kinda country people and one day they were going to have a hog killing to so the smaller kids the tradition. And all these animal rights people came out and protested. Well why don't they protest about some of the care given to those poor lil fishes.
I agree. Something really should be done about these big corporations. I think that it is somewhat useless to be protesting the "hog killin,"because no matter what, there are always going to be people who want to eat meat. Let's face it, humans are designed to eat meat. But we are not trying to kill the "poor lil fishies," so I don't think people would mind if somebody went out and protested the treatment the fishies are recieving at Wal-Mart. Preach on, Brother! B)

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