Where Do I Stand,regarding My Tank Problem And Lfs?

:fun: I expected this...

you are only entitled to a refund "cos you changed your mind" art the discrettion of the managment
Nope tis a fact. If you return goods that have not been used you can get a refund in consumer law. How willing or not the shop is to do it is another matter but in my experience if you right a nice letter saying you will take them to court for the refund they soon invite you back to pick it up. You can't screw with the law.

overnight rush?? :lol: :lol: what you on pla.. his tank is leaking.. how`s that his problem.... dont tell me , he should have bought 2 to be on the safe side :lol:
I did not say it was or was not his fault I merely stated that if they dig their heels in on a refund once the goods are used its a long hard road to prove they were not misused and caused the leak, etc.

Anyone else on the same page as me?
On the same page as you but you can only return goods by law if they have been used if purchased online / over the phone under the distance selling laws and that period is only 7 days - if purchased in a shop it is up to the retailer to have a returns policy and if that says we won't refund them only exchange or credit note then that is fine
Its a nightmare - I was sent on a trading standards course last year by my employer as I kept refunding peoples stuff

Completely wrong, the law does not state anything about a time period of 7 days 28 days or a year for that matter if the goods are faulty, the 7 day colling off period is for distance selling and it allows you to return the product without having to give a reason, you can change you mind. If you buy from a shop and you want to get a refund and it does not have a fault then the shop can say get lost.

If the product is faulty you can take it back and say that you want a full refund. they can not refuse if the goods are faulty. it does not matter what signs they have up regarding returns policy or 28 days or what ever period. Heck you don't even have to have a receipt.

I know some one who bought a kettle from a well know electrical retailer and it failed after 14 months thye took it back and asked for a refund, they where told no. Him being a solicitor told them that if they did not refund him the money he would take them to the small claims court - they refunded in full.

The law does have a period called 'acceptence' that is the period of time from when you purchased the product to when it isgenerally accepted that it 'is of merchantable quality' this is the only grey area and usually 6 months is deemed to be an acceptable period.

Its not quite as straight forward as you say

Eg if you buy a mobile phone and it goes faulty, the retailer doesn't have to replace it or exchange it - it will be repaired under its warranty period. Not all items are the same though as not all retailers can provide a service of repair where they are acredited by the manufacturer to do so for the warranty

Mobile phones are different because you are not buying a phone, you take out a contract for airtime and the phone generally comes as part of the package, hence the different rules.

when you purchase something like a fishtank and it is faulty then there is no argument, you can demand a full refund which the store can not refuse.
If you don't have a spare tank to put the fish in I think the lfs should look after them for you. Till you get your new tank and stand.
This is just a thought but, if you speak really really nicely to the shop, and carefully explain your situation then they "might" ring around any other local fish shops to see if they can take a stand from their stock to replace yours with until their delivery arrives.

Many Many moons ago, I used to work in retail and we were always doing this.

If the goods are faulty withing a reasonable time then they must be replaced with like for like or refunded. It is up to the manufacturer to replace the goods but up to the retailer to actually sort out the physical replacement or refund, they then take it up with their suppliers etc.

After a reasonable time then it is up to the retailer to decide if they will repair or replace.

I think the time scale mentioned would be well within a reasonable time for a fish tank.

Thats my understanding of it.

And yes distance selling regs allow you return within a cooling off period (i thought it was actually 14 days) but should be in an unused resaleable condition, unless you inititate the sale through a call back or arrange an appointment.

quick word of warning for things like doorstep sellers etc, they always want you to say can you come back tomorrow/later as you then effectively waive a lot of your rights
just an update,im going there today as soon as it opens.

im going to go at it in a nice approach, im going to explain that its not fit for use and i would like a refund or a store credit

i understand that it may not be there fault about the stand,but they ordered it last week,surely they would of known then!!!!

i then would of had a week to find an alternative.

im most dissapointed with this part of there service,usualy they are so much help

if i get no joy from them,im going to go to the other lfs near me and buy another.

they can shove this 1 where the sun dont shine then!!
just an update,im going there today as soon as it opens.

im going to go at it in a nice approach, im going to explain that its not fit for use and i would like a refund or a store credit

i understand that it may not be there fault about the stand,but they ordered it last week,surely they would of known then!!!!

i then would of had a week to find an alternative.

im most dissapointed with this part of there service,usualy they are so much help

if i get no joy from them,im going to go to the other lfs near me and buy another.

they can shove this 1 where the sun dont shine then!!

Let us know what happens, and more importantly get some pics up, everyone likes pics :good:

just a quick update

i visited the lfs and they are giving me a full refund on the tank and stand :D

i now have a brand new juwel rio 400 arriving!!! and extra 140L :drool:

at the same time i bought a roma 125,thats going to be my standby tank

cheers for all the help regarding this

just a quick update

i visited the lfs and they are giving me a full refund on the tank and stand :D

i now have a brand new juwel rio 400 arriving!!! and extra 140L :drool:

at the same time i bought a roma 125,thats going to be my standby tank

cheers for all the help regarding this


Glad its all worked out for you mate, hang on there rectangular???

just a quick update

i visited the lfs and they are giving me a full refund on the tank and stand :D

i now have a brand new juwel rio 400 arriving!!! and extra 140L :drool:

at the same time i bought a roma 125,thats going to be my standby tank

cheers for all the help regarding this


Glad its all worked out for you mate, hang on there rectangular???


i no!!! but it was a beast,i had to have it,cost me abit though!!!

im wandering what heater will be suitabe for a 400L juwel rio?
Where did you get it from out of interest? I hope this one works out a little better for you. You never know maybe you could put both your filters to good use. :good:

Where did you get it from out of interest? I hope this one works out a little better for you. You never know maybe you could put both your filters to good use. :good:


i got it from bow in the end,i went back,lol

got the that juwel rio 400 and a roma 125 too
hi all

wandered if i could have some help

my tank i noticed was leaking (12 days or so ago) and i informed my LFS where i bought it from, its only 1 month old, and also the poor quality of the cabinet.

they said they would replace both and i was happy,and they said within a week i would have them,i though a week was alot but bit my tongue!!

i told them that i needed all of this sorted by next friday 22/5 as im working away,and they said that would be fine.

i rang today and they have the tank but no stand,the stand may take upto 2 weeks!!! they said i could have the tank,but what would i put it on!!! idiots!!!!

what can i do? can i demand a refund? or store credit?

this is causing alot of grief which i realy do not need

im not saying what LFS chain it is as that wouldnt be fair.


I can understand what your saying, but i think your being a bit harsh on the shop in question. Afterall suppliers let shops down. I bet we have all ordered something for a catalogue and waited ages for it to arrive and then contacted them only to find its out of stock. Just think how the shop feels when its not their fault but they still have to deal with angry customers!!

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