Where Can I Find An Online Fish Image Database?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Willington, CT
Hey guys, I dont know where to post this so if this is the wrong forum please excuse me.

Im looking for a good image database of freshwater fish species (aquarium fish of course), particularly uncommon barb species. Any particular websites you would recommend? finding them through a search engine is a very slow and unrewarding process...

Any help would be much appreciated.

Hey guys, I dont know where to post this so if this is the wrong forum please excuse me.

Im looking for a good image database of freshwater fish species (aquarium fish of course), particularly uncommon barb species. Any particular websites you would recommend? finding them through a search engine is a very slow and unrewarding process...

Any help would be much appreciated.


humm, not sure there is a "definitive" fish id site. i usually start with google image search
or even posting a picture on here, you never know, someone in a huge group of fish owners might be able to help you straight off without the need for searching...
i know there is not on "all powerful" site, but at one point i found one that had a decent group of images. I have an id question of course, ill try and get some pics and post in their own thread today.

thank you everyone for your help.

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