When will/how much guppys breed


New Member
Dec 24, 2021
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United states
Hey,I have been out of the whole fish thing and never really got into it too much before,but I have just gotten 3 Bettas and a pair of guppys,the guppys are in my 40 gallon and the female was definitely not pregnant at the store as she is very slim and was in with only females,I want to know what a realistic expectation for when she will be having her first litter of fry,they both seem to be setting in nicely and colored up now,haven't had them for more than 2 days
They'll take maybe a few weeks to a month. When you put male and female guppies together, it's pretty much an inevitability that you'll end up with fry before too long. Takes around four weeks for fry to start being born. They will breed endlessly and do not stop, you might get one or two to start with but eventually your tank will be overrun like a zombie uprising lol.

Be aware of bettas with guppies though. Males are particularly aware of fish that have similar tail-fins to them, and might lash out at guppies with those big, fancy tails. Also be aware that keeping groups of bettas can be troublesome regardless of whether they're male or female. Males will tear one another apart, and females tend to get stressed when kept in close quarters.
What type of Bettas?
Sorry but a single male guppy will possibly “bother” a single female guppy to the point of misery if not worse. It’s best to help the girls lighten the load so to speak by having more females than males.
Probably the best place to learn about your new fish is seriouslyfish.com just put your fish breeds name in the search function then click on its name when it comes up. Approx an A4 sheet of the best science backed info will appear. Min tank size, tank mates, water temp, water hardness, water ph, food, breeding tips, favourite plant type etc.
BTW it reckons from 5-100 guppy babies. Best of luck.

Posters will inevitably be along to ask if your tanks cycled, about water hardness, Water PH, water testing kits etc. Have a read upon those topics on various sections of this place so that you’re prepared for the TFF Inquisition!
Have fun. BTW when are The Lions gonna win the Super Bowl? I can’t wait around forever over here.
They'll take maybe a few weeks to a month. When you put male and female guppies together, it's pretty much an inevitability that you'll end up with fry before too long. Takes around four weeks for fry to start being born. They will breed endlessly and do not stop, you might get one or two to start with but eventually your tank will be overrun like a zombie uprising lol.

Be aware of bettas with guppies though. Males are particularly aware of fish that have similar tail-fins to them, and might lash out at guppies with those big, fancy tails. Also be aware that keeping groups of bettas can be troublesome regardless of whether they're male or female. Males will tear one another apart, and females tend to get stressed when kept in close quarters.
This as well.
Guppies have the ability to store sperm and keep it alive. So one fertilization can have a female dropping fry regularly for the rest of her life. She can produce somewhere around 250-300 babies over the course of her breeding age. If your female doesn't look gravid, she may just be fertilizing her next batch of eggs.
It's why people who breed for one colour type despair at getting good stock from pet stores - one encounter with a male of a different fin or colour type....

Male guppies may be the most annoying little $%$#s on the planet. They are especially aggressive when a female has just dropped fry, as there is a small window for their sperm packet to kill and replace the one in place. Yup, sperm wars.

Meanwhile, Betta splendens are great guppy fry eaters. It could balance out.
Under good conditions, female guppies can give birth once a month and produce anywhere from 1-100+ young per batch.
Thanks for all the replies,the guppys seem to not be bothering each other yet,if but gets bad at all I will get a few more girls,I originally got a pair because they are in my turtle tank and I didn't know if she would eat them,and scince she hasn't then we are in good shape,I chose guppys because they are cheap,pretty and hardy fish,and with a 40 gallon I think I can handle a good amount before i have to get rid of some,the 3 bettas,2 are girls and in the same 10 gallon and the male is in a separate 10 gallon,I know that the betta cohabiting is a touchy subject but they are doing great together and they got out of the divider I had up,we are on a farm here in Virginia and have ducks so the extra guppys would be given to the ducks and or sold at the "farms expos",basically a reptile expo with farm animals
Guppies have the ability to store sperm and keep it alive. So one fertilization can have a female dropping fry regularly for the rest of her life.
one fertilization will not keep any female dropping fry regularly for the rest of her life.
usually about 6-months + depending on temperature

when a female has just dropped fry, as there is a small window for their sperm packet to kill and replace the one in place. Yup, sperm wars.
a female will store old sperm she can become impregnated by new mating
only a small percentage of fresh sperm will be used .


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