When the sleeper wakes...

I believe I can now formally identify which clear shrimp have been breeding, to produce more clear shrimp...looks like some of the Amanos I acquired a while back were actually Tiger Shrimp.
It was spying on his fish with a telephoto lens which sounded suspiciously like a paparazzo :lol:
It was spying on his fish with a telephoto lens which sounded suspiciously like a paparazzo :lol:
Well, I’m setting up to install a wildlife video cam above the axie tank. Hope that doesn’t make me a peeper. I have it in the cat room now & the felines are becoming old hat. The axies act like they‘re half dead daytimes & I suspect nocturnal fun & games
So Bruce chases around after The Royals? A photo of Chuck in his boxers would fetch a tidy sum.
I don't think Prince Charles has ever been called Chuck!
Whilst the coital embrace of the Sparkling Gourami is as obvious as that of the Dwarf Gourami, the production of eggs and milt requires the magnifying glass to be sure.
Some more of Woody Woodshrimp, engaged in some genuine filter feeding...
(NOTE that the white spots aren't ich and are symmetrical on both sides of the body).

...With Coppr Harlequin and Axelrodi 'Rasbora'.

Video Bomb by one of the Dwarf Gourami Girls.
Pics or it didn't happen😉
How about a couple of videos? :p

Whilst one shell became occupied, the smaller female decided she preferred the piece of cave-like wood I'd inserted into the tank and has actually laid a bunch of eggs in there. Currently, I'm unsure if the coconut shell has eggs in it. Nevertheless, the male is guarding both ladies.

Another attempt, this time with a torch;


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