When the sleeper wakes...

From the SE Asian tank;

The Gathering...


The Panda Garra managed to grab the algae wafer and carry it off into the recesses of the wood 'cave'.
The shrimp gathered, before venturing forth.
Now for the QT.

Ammonia at 0.
GH 60mg/L
KH 40mg/L
pH 7.0
NO2 Nitrite 0mg/L
NO3 Nitrate <2.5mg/L

Another piece of wood, with attached Java Fern added, from established tank No.1, alongside a couple of Marimo 'Moss' Balls from established Tank No.2.
NOTE that the fern is there for security and decorative reasons, plus whatever beneficial bacteria it carries.

All okay so far and The Ladies have lost their shyness. Good appetites and movement. One is definitely the boss.


Casper shows an interest;


NOTE that there's a good distance between the radiator on the wall and the tank, with the filter, heater and pump all tucked away in the back.
(Those wires will soon disappear from view, once I'm certain that everything is running as it should).

A view from the left-hand side.

NOTE that for all the speed of this process, this wasn't a Planted, nor a 'Fish-in Cycle', though I've taken the best bits of the wonderful Planted Cycle, with a host of fast-growing plants, (which are already showing signs of growth). I also added a whole load of beneficial bacteria from my oldest established tank AND some Microbe-Lift Special Blend and Nite-Out II.
The plants received a couple of squirts of the Tropica Premium Nutrition, simply because those small Gourami hadn't made much of a contribution of ammonia just yet.

Tank dimensions, by the way, are 33cm x 33cm x33cm, measuring internal volume.
Advertised capacity was 40 litres, but I managed to put 6 x 8 litre buckets of water in, making treatable water at 48 litres.
Now for the QT.

Ammonia at 0.
GH 60mg/L
KH 40mg/L
pH 7.0
NO2 Nitrite 0mg/L
NO3 Nitrate <2.5mg/L

Another piece of wood, with attached Java Fern added, from established tank No.1, alongside a couple of Marimo 'Moss' Balls from established Tank No.2.
NOTE that the fern is there for security and decorative reasons, plus whatever beneficial bacteria it carries.

All okay so far and The Ladies have lost their shyness. Good appetites and movement. One is definitely the boss.

View attachment 145613

View attachment 145614
The QT is a Quarantine Tank...
The QT is a Quarantine Tank...
The QT is a Quarantine Tank...
The QT is a Quarantine Tank...

NOT a tank for a pair of Honey Gourami and 8 Ember Tetra or 8 Gold Tetra or 8 Green Neon Tetra or 8 CPD or 8 Lamp-eye Tetra or 8 Chili Rasbora and 6 Kuhli Loach or 1 Clown Plec.

No Sirreeee...nope...that would be silly, etc..
Lol maybe what your really need is a quarantine tank for the quarantine tank.... its not MTS if they are there for a practical purpose and a qt is not a permanent tank anyway so doesn't count.

Also sometimes you just need to be really sure and do a good long quarantine. Like 6 or 7 years..
Thing is, once I've added The Three Ladies, I'm in the almost-overstocked region and was planning on moving some of the fish out.
I have my eye on the Chili Rasboras. ;)
NOTE that for all the speed of this process, this wasn't a Planted, nor a 'Fish-in Cycle', though I've taken the best bits of the wonderful Planted Cycle, with a host of fast-growing plants, (which are already showing signs of growth). I also added a whole load of beneficial bacteria from my oldest established tank AND some Microbe-Lift Special Blend and Nite-Out II.
The plants received a couple of squirts of the Tropica Premium Nutrition, simply because those small Gourami hadn't made much of a contribution of ammonia just yet.
Tropica Premium Nutrition is that a system of nutrition ??
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The Ladies took a while to suss out what a portion of an Aquacare food tablet, (w/mealworm) stuck to the glass meant last night.
This morning, they didn't have a clue as to what to make of a piece of frozen bloodworm.
I wonder if they've only had fry food and flake, back in the Czech Republic?
(They have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the flake food).

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