when should i stock


Fish Fanatic
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
hull,east yorkshire,uk
i have just set up a new tropical tank

how long should i leave it before i put in a few hardy fish to get the filter started..

and can anybody recomend a suitable species.

thanx in advance

macky :rolleyes:
Hiya, I would leave it at least a week. Um, well, what do you want? I like livebearers, everytime I go into a pet shop me and my dad like dribble over them.

Guppies are my faves :p

Here is a link to a fish index then if you want search a compatibilty(sp?--yes :p) chart.---Anyhow, heres the link ... http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/Fishindx/fishindx.htm

I just got my tank up and running. I have four guppies and two platys atm.

Kayla x
By the way, I noticed you have two comets, I have just one called Bob, but do you knowany sites where I can learn more abotu him please? He is in a fifty gal atm
give it about a week or so before adding anything.

Out of curiosity, what size is your tank? (gallon/litre wise) And have you added a dechlorinator to the water?

You could try starting out with one or two zebra danios, they're hardy little guys and they're quite pretty (plus later on you can get more and they'll shoal together..very nice to watch)
it is 15 uk gallons

i have added chlorinator and filter start

so if i add 4 guppys or danios next weekend
just to see how they go and after 10 weeks add a few more
if all is well?????

macky :D
another quick question

i would like to try and breed some species later on when the tank is established

which are the easiest to start breeding ???

macky ;)
I don't know, but you got to remember it will be slightly harder if you are going to breed later on because you will hgave to separate mother and fry from the rest of the fishi n the tank... you may actualyl have to remove mum, i'm unsure.

Plus a bigger tank may be more suitable for breedin.
Hehe, do you know where I can finnd more info on my comet, Bob? Thx Kayla, -- call me Kayla, I feel more comfy people calling me kayla...hehe... i'm gona see if I can change me name! :p

as far as i know comets are treat the same as goldfish
but are just a more fancy variety.
i have 2 comets in my pond....

they havent woke up yet this season as the weather has been very cold the last month or so

but they was still feeding in dec...

macky (chris)

that should be fine if you add a few then wait a while :)

If you want to breed your fish the easiest are livebearers (guppies, platies, swordtails, mollies etc). Be warned though, with these guys you can get a LOT of fry on your hands. If you want to breed them invest in a fry trap, they don't cost much and they'll stop your fry from being eaten early on.
I don't see that there's any reason to wait as long as a week to add fish IMO. Waiting achieves nothing as far as I can tell once the water is at the right temp and settled.
hello i usually leave my tank upto 24_48 hours untill the tempreture is ok and the water has settlede just put a couple of fish in there to start with to see if they are ok if so you can interduce a few more fish 3 days later the easyiest fish to breed is guppies as i used to breed them my self basically the way you can tell if the female is pregnant is by (the back of the female there will be a biggish black round mark at the end of the female 28 days later the female will be ready to drop more .
Macky i usually wait long enough to ensure the temp is steady and that the ph is stable say 2-3 days max then add a few hardy fish ie. zebra, white clouds are also very hardy. I let these few fish do their thing until the tank has cycled and then add just a few fish (2-3) per week until i have my tank stocked. It may seem like a slow process but it will be rewarding for you and safer on your fish. Any of the livebearers are good breeders especially the guppies and platies. Good luck with the aquarium

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