When Kribs Attack


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
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Berkeley, CA, USA
The attached photos are a fully adult female guppy from my 60 US gallon aquarium (48"x12"x24"). She was beaten to death by my breeding pair of juvenile kribensis cichlids.

This is why breeding pairs of kribs are UNSUITABLE for the small/nonaggressive community:


View attachment 30349
unsuitable if you don't pick 2 of the same sex that is..

I have 2 males and have kept them together in 2 different communites with fish as small as gold tetra and as large as lima shovelnose (their current housing).

how strange i have a breeding pair of kribs in my tank in the kitchen what have bred, and there have never once attacked my guppies, cory's or BN's :/
My female krib killed her mate and ate her babies after terrorising the rest of the tank during breeding .I decided never to have a pair in a community tank again.Though my pair were not as bad as yours by the look of things :eek:
mine were good the first go around and didn't kill anything. but at that time i also had some big toughie tetras to distract them. this go around it looks like the guppies bit it.

i'm just tired of having to warn people who want to breed kribs in small tanks. kribs are cichlids too! and cichlids can be mean.

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