If you have cycled somewhat but due to an overzealous clean or whatever, now find it isnt cycling as well as it did (i.e if you saw your tank process nitrite from 7.5 to 0.25 in 1 day, and a week later its not clearing 1ppm faster than in 1 day when you are only adding 1ppm ammonia
what is the best route to take (this is fishless cyling)
keep adding ammonia to 1ppm until it processes both ammonia and nitrite in 12 hours, then increase to 2ppm and repeat, then 3 ppm, until you can do 5ppm
whack 5ppm in, knowing full well that you are going to get another big nitrite spike which might last ages (sounds like you can keep changing water though to clear some of backlog).
Having made several mistakes but persevering for almost 2 months with a fishless cycle in a 10g cylinder, am beginning to wonder what I need to do to "get this finished!"