Hi all---love the input and thank you.

Well, I'm a bit confused regarding putting media from one filter into another; all this thing has is the cheap little plastic thing on one side and the blue spongy stuff on the other with a tiny little bit of carbon smooshed in the middle of them. You know what I'm talking about, I guess they're called the cartridge(s). I have a multitude of powerheads as I just broke my reef tank down 4 weeks ago; however, even one might be too large and would really push the water around. I've had them for so long I cannot recall how many gallons they're rated for, but much more than for a 30g. long. If I would use a powerhead, I have no idea where to put it. High in the tank just shooting across? Middle of the tank pushing straight across? I don't know how to do this with a freshwater tank. My reef had 3 powerheads in addition to the return so there was A LOT of turbulence at the top of the tank as well as no dead spots in the water column.
The other thing with powerful water movement at the top is that it definitely equalizes the gas exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide (and my tank has no lid as I do not want to diffuse the light intensity by forcing it to go through glass). Soooo, would I have to add more liquid carbon for the plants to make up for the higher gas exchange? I did think about a powerhead but had no idea if this was a good idea, or detrimental to both the fish and plants. And, I do not know how to calculate the pH difference if more turbulence is created. Or, would there be a pH difference with more turbulence--I believe yes but not sure.
Another concern I have is with the cartridges---they have carbon so isn't that going to almost neutralize the liquid carbon and fertilizer? I have so much Black Diamond carbon that I could use it in 10, 100g. tanks and had thought about adding more to the cartridges, but again, should you be running any carbon when using additives (ie: liquid carbon and fertilizer)?
Oh lordy, still another question: will my betta be happy with the water moving so much at the top of the tank? I imagine the raspboras and corys would be fine because they don't hang at the top of the tank, but the betta does (at least sometimes). I don't want to push him out of the tank and have him sitting next to me on the couch watching tv.
I would like to add snails although I understand the corys will do some sifting. It just seems that the snails will help keep my sand healthy, clean, and less inclined to get too compact. I'm glad I have no animals yet because I'm not ready---I simply don't know enough about this yet so again, thank you very much for your input.