What's Your Routine?


Fish Crazy
Jul 20, 2014
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Hi all, I was conversing with a new friend of mine about our pets, and I included my fish when telling her of my lot (4 dogs, two horses, and of course the fishes and shrimps!).  She at first was of the mind that the fish 'didn't count', until I explained to her exactly how much work I put into my tanks.  
So, I know I enjoy caring for my tanks, I like everything to be in tip top shape, although my decoration is quite sad until I get my hands on some live plants. I'm curious as to what routine/schedule you guys follow for your tanks? What steps do you take to ensure you have good water quality, clear water, etc? When do you feed?
Here's what I do
-Feed the 75g a mixture of tropical flakes, shrimp pellets, and an algae wafer
-Feed the bettas their pellets
-Do a head count in the 75g, make sure everyone is present and behaving normally, etc
-Observe the bettas, make sure everyone is alright
-Feed the 75g and bettas some frozen brine shrimp and occasionally blood worms
-Stare at fish while I relax after work
Then there is of course the cleaning schedule. 
Monday: 25% (10 gallons) water change  for bettas
Tuesday:25% (18.5 gallons) water change for 75g
Saturday: -8 gallons out of betta tank, 15 out of the 75g
                -use the water from water changes to rinse out filters and if needed clean the plants/decorations
pm-feed fish 
do head count
Saturday do 10 percent water changes to all tanks
once a month do 25 percent water changes to ll tanks and wash filters with the water
Feed my own homemade discus food each morning. Vary evening feeds with Prima, frozen bloodworm, mysis shrimp, cichlid food, algae wafers. Wednesday change 30 gallons rectified r/o water. Sunday same water change, clean glass, trim plants and general tidy up. Fortnightly clean 1 external to ensure consistent water quality. Each water change I check ph and kh, adjustments made as required. Monthly check on phosphate, nitrate, gh and change drop checker solution. Return phosguard for a week if needed.
Each tank of mine varies on feeding, water changes etc. I spend hours each week caring for my aquatic and terrestrial animals. A simplistic schedule of this is as follows:

Monday: Flakes (2-3x)
Tuesday: Homemade gel food and occasionally bloodworms (1-2x)
Wednesday: Pellets (2-3x) 50-60% water change
Thursday: Bloodworms, flakes and fresh veggies(2-3x)
Friday: Fast
Saturday: Pellets (2-3x) 60-70% water change
Sunday: Homemade gel food and flakes (1-2x)

Monday: Pellets (2x)
Tuesday: Pellets (AM) and bloodworms (PM)
Wednesday: Pellets (2x) 25% water change if needed, as well as plant pruning)
Thursday: Pellets (AM) and bloodworms (PM)
Friday: Fast
Saturday: Pellets (2x) 50% water change
Sunday: Pellets (AM) and bloodworms (PM)

Homemade gel food, algae wafers, shrimp pellets, calcium supplements, and fresh veggies alternated every other day. 70% water changes Saturdays.

Misc Tropical fish:
Flakes daily with a fast on Friday. Algae wafers, shrimp pellets, peas and homemade gel food alternated through the week for the bottom feeders. 50% water changes on Saturdays.

I also care for two dogs, two budgies, a gargoyle gecko and a chinchilla. It gets hectic at some points, but I wouldn't change a thing. :)
Feed 200L tank; flakes for fish, earthworms for axolotls.
Feed 80L tank; earthworms for axolotl
Feed fry tank; daphnia for fry (axolotl larvae atm)
Check daphnia cultures
Net out any muck or debris from the 200L and 80L tank
Feed fry tank; daphnia again
90% water change on the fry tank, wiping down surfaces and using a turkey baster to suck up any excess muck.
Fill up a bucket with dechlorinated water to age for the next day's 90% water change
Twice Weekly
Wipe down glass
Feed daphnia cultures
Feed worm farm
50% water change on the 200L tank, vacuuming out muck
50% water change on the 80L tank, vacuuming out muck
20% water change on the daphnia cultures
Clean external filters
Cool, it is interesting to me to read about what everyone does for their tanks.  We all take care of our aquariums, but each in different ways - it's nice to see how others do it and also nice to hear about the tanks people have.
This thread has some great examples of how to care for fish (and a reminder to me that I should perform head counts more often!) ;)
My routine is,
morning 5x weekly - dose plant fertiliser and liquid carbon into both tanks
afternoon - feed fish in both tanks
evening - second feeding, usually live/frozen food or vegetables and algae wafers for shrimp every other day
refresh one of the CO2 reactors with new yeast culture
50% water change and maintenance on both tanks
refresh drop checker indicator fluid and bleach CO2 diffuser
clean filters
make up DIY plant fert solutions
I do a clean and water change on both my tanks every Monday. That imcludes a good wipe down inside and out of the glass, gravel vac, a check of bothe filters and replacement of filter floss.
PM Monday - Saturday feed fish, Sunday I don't feed the fish as I read one day without food is good for them.
Once a week I have a good look at all the fish in the tanks to make sure they're all ok.

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