What's Your Favourite Gourami?

In the past i've owned a pair of three spot Gouramis and I now own a pair of Golden Gouramis. ALthough they are both great fish my fav would probably still be the chocolate Gourami which i've only seen twice in shops but from what i've read and seen they're great fish even if quite difficult to keep. :)
Osphronemus Goramy, specifically the one i own.

so intelligent, wild, but not savage. so much personality too :good:
Is that the giant, giant, giant gourami? I love juveniles...until...

ya, but they are still fun. mine happens to be very peaceful. he actually knows there a piece of glass in front of him unlike some other ones... :lol: :lol: :lol:
i love the liquorice one as they are just small and timid, but so understated as to be cool. My dwarf croakers are a lovely site, so active and sparkly.

My pride of place has to be my vaillant choc gourammis - the colours are fantastic, the social interplay very interesting and they are a challenge to keep well. It hands down beats the mass bred dwarf gouramis for colour. The blue and reds with the white tipped fins blow away any colours seen in the cobalts etc. - and all from a wild caught fish.

As you can tell I am biased.... but they are gorgeous fish!
i have only ever had platinums, so i should say them......but dwarfs (dwarves?) are so pretty- pity they're not (generally) more hardy.
I like blue gouramis beacause they look awsome but the bad side is that males fight so i only have one. I dont have females because i dont want blue gourami fry. Pearls look nice too. im hoping to put pearls in my 29 gallon soon.
My favourite has to be Trichopsis Pumilla - sparkling gourami. Although tiny, these little fish are so gorgeous to look at...the colours in their scales are amazingly bright when caught in the right light, and their eyes are the purest cobalt blue ever. The fact that they croak as well adds to my fascination.

I like female pearl gouramis best (you'd never have guessed would you!). Never mind all that lacey finery and flowing fin and orange showiness from the males .... the females just look perkier, somehow.

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