New Member
wow lots of mosses huh? i love em too, but i thought for sure id get some more takers for amazons. very interesting. thanks for all the opinions. keep on voting.
Algae is a plant. Without it, most life would probably not exist on this planet.Algae wins the vote for the most annoying i would say! Although it's not a plant?!
Actually it isn't, Blue-green algae is more closely related to bacteria than to plants. It is a Monera and filamentous algae is a protoctista, which is more closely related to protozoa.
Yes, it is!
Have a read - http/
I like Rotala rotundifolia "red"... the shape of the leaves and the combination of colours make it looks so attrative.
Algae is a plant. Without it, most life would probably not exist on this planet.Algae wins the vote for the most annoying i would say! Although it's not a plant?!
Actually it isn't, Blue-green algae is more closely related to bacteria than to plants. It is a Monera and filamentous algae is a protoctista, which is more closely related to protozoa.
Yes, it is!
Have a read - http/
Algae is a plant. Without it, most life would probably not exist on this planet.Algae wins the vote for the most annoying i would say! Although it's not a plant?!
Actually it isn't, Blue-green algae is more closely related to bacteria than to plants. It is a Monera and filamentous algae is a protoctista, which is more closely related to protozoa.
Yes, it is!
Have a read - http/
...I classify plants something which is green and has leaves ...What, technically is the definition of a plant?
HC is my favorite, gotta love how it looks nice you've got a nice carpet of it.