Whats Wrong With My Fighter?

I was lead to believe that nitrates over 100 begin to become harmful to fish.
I would still get your ntirate reading down.
What your tap nitrate reading.
scientific studies have shown that around 400ppm of nitrate is where it starts to get risky...but obviously, getting it as low as possible is a good thing
Hi pearson :)

You might want to test your tap water for nitrates. If there is very much difference between that and your tank water, you are not doing big enough and/or frequent enough water changes.

While this could cause some stress to your fish, the presence of potentially aggressive tankmates, fluctuating temperatures, uneaten food, etc. are also stress factors that could weaken the fish and make your fish prone to disease. :D
I was lead to believe that nitrates over 100 begin to become harmful to fish.
I would still get your ntirate reading down.
What your tap nitrate reading.

hey Wilder

I have tested tap water today and reading is 25 for Nitrate, I tested tank again today after 40% water change and no different, still 250!

how much water to change today?

also does the 'water cycle' or 'aqua safe' have any bearing on nitrate reading?


what are the algea eaters some will get 6 inches or smaller others will get ove 18 inches

sorry to be honest i dont know, 4 for a tenner at local store :rolleyes:
do they look like this

no they are not plecs or catfish, i'll try and get pic
Bless him R.I.P.

If your tap reading is 25 your tank nitrate should be around there.
Have you rinsed a sponge and done a good gravel vac, removed ornaments to give the substrate a good hoover.
Tidy plants up if there live plants by getting rid of dead leaves.
I would do a 50% water change.
Bless him R.I.P.

If your tap reading is 25 your tank nitrate should be around there.
Have you rinsed a sponge and done a good gravel vac, removed ornaments to give the substrate a good hoover.
Tidy plants up if there live plants by getting rid of dead leaves.
I would do a 50% water change.

Hi Wilder,

Thanks for reply, didnt want to lose him :sick:
I did a gravel vac and 40% water change yesterday and another 40% today. Done water test and it has dropped to about 100.
Also I have moved my 2 platys to my smaller tank.
Do you think i need to do a 10% water change everyday for a while?
do you have any live plants? if not then I'd be tempted to get some fast growing plants like indian fern that could help?
Do water changes daily. I would still do 40% to you see it dropping.

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