Whats Wrong With My Fighter?


New Member
Aug 30, 2009
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just subscribed to this forum and need help. My fighter appears to have finrot or worse, please see attached pic and help identify disease.

Also should i isolate him?

Thanks for help



  • vlcsnap_2009_08_30_12h21m59s126.png
    21 KB · Views: 43
do you have a new or established tank, how long have you had the fighter, what are your water parameters. I had a fighter that had a similar thing. It was down to bad water parameters as the tanked hadn't cycled and stress. He managed to survive and all his fins and tail have grown back and he looks very happy and healthy now.

To correct my problem I did a 50% water change and then 20% daily for a couple of weeks. This allowed my tank to stabilise and within those couple of weeks my fighter started eating again and his fins and tail had grown back. I also treated the water with API stress coat.
Answer as many of these questions as you can please hun then i can help you

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Tank size:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Answer as many of these questions as you can please hun then i can help you

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Tank size: 120 litres
pH: 6.4
ammonia: not tested
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 250 !
kH: 3
gH: 8
tank temp: 24

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): see pic, fins white and eroded, also stuck together

Volume and Frequency of water changes: monthly 25% water change

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: water cycle

Tank inhabitants: 2 silver dollars, 2 clown loach, 1 clown plec, 1 severum, 2 catfish, 5 neon tetras, 1 rainbow fish 5 algae eaters, 2 platys and 2 burmese loaches

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 3 chinese leaf plants and small bog wood

Exposure to chemicals: n/a

Digital photo (include if possible): pic included in post
what tank mates has he got
do you have a new or established tank, how long have you had the fighter, what are your water parameters. I had a fighter that had a similar thing. It was down to bad water parameters as the tanked hadn't cycled and stress. He managed to survive and all his fins and tail have grown back and he looks very happy and healthy now.

To correct my problem I did a 50% water change and then 20% daily for a couple of weeks. This allowed my tank to stabilise and within those couple of weeks my fighter started eating again and his fins and tail had grown back. I also treated the water with API stress coat.

tank well established (2 years old+) and fighter is at least a year old.

i have an small new empty 'medicine' tank that i plan to move him to, any thoughts on this...........

what tank mates has he got

Tank inhabitants: 2 silver dollars, 2 clown loach, 1 clown plec, 1 severum, 2 catfish, 5 neon tetras, 1 rainbow fish 5 algae eaters, 2 platys and 2 burmese loaches
Your tanks overstocked and your water stats are telling you that.

Your nitrate reading really high.
How often do you maintain the tank.
When did youn last squeeze a sponge in old tank water.

Finrot is mainly caused by bad water quality.

Maes betta are best of kept in a tank of there own.

How big is the spare tank in gallons. Do you have a heater and airstone.
Myxazin by waterlife for finrot.
Your tanks overstocked and your water stats are telling you that.

Your nitrate reading really high.
How often do you maintain the tank.
When did youn last squeeze a sponge in old tank water.

Finrot is mainly caused by bad water quality.

Maes betta are best of kept in a tank of there own.

How big is the spare tank in gallons. Do you have a heater and airstone.
Myxazin by waterlife for finrot.

really, didnt think i had too many fish. 25% water change monthly and external pump/filter clean

When did youn last squeeze a sponge in old tank water.?????

spare tank is only 20litres and yes heater and filter
i think you should rehome: the severum, the clown loaches, the silver dollars, and some of the algae eaters.
i think you should rehome: the severum, the clown loaches, the silver dollars, and some of the algae eaters.

why, the severum is tiny at the moment, only 2-3 inches, bought the algae eaters to keep tank clean :crazy:

can't move them without getting another tank but dont want to move anything til i know there all good?

let me know
Just get one of your filter sponges and rinse in old tank water.
To the rest of the sponges in a few weeks time.
Should only rinse one sponge and leave the rest for a least two weeks.
Do a gravel vac removing ornaments.
Water changes to get the nitrate reading down.

You should be doing a water change once a week with your tank being overstocked.

i think you should rehome: the severum, the clown loaches, the silver dollars, and some of the algae eaters.
Clown loaches need 90 gallon tanks as they grow bigger. Shouldn't be kept in less than a group of 3.

Move the betta and match ph and temp.
Severums grow to 20cm, and as wilder said clown loaches need very big tanks.

I said get rid of some of the algae eaters as you seem to have quite alot of bottom dwellers.
Just get one of your filter sponges and rinse in old tank water.
To the rest of the sponges in a few weeks time.
Should only rinse one sponge and leave the rest for a least two weeks.
Do a gravel vac removing ornaments.
Water changes to get the nitrate reading down.

You should be doing a water change once a week with your tank being overstocked.

i think you should rehome: the severum, the clown loaches, the silver dollars, and some of the algae eaters.
Clown loaches need 90 gallon tanks as they grow bigger. Shouldn't be kept in less than a group of 3.

Move the betta and match ph and temp.

cool, ok thanks.

right i'll move the betta, do a gravel vac on the current tank and change water and also one on sponge a clean.

i assume 25 % water is enough ? and how long in before next water change?

Severums grow to 20cm, and as wilder said clown loaches need very big tanks.

I said get rid of some of the algae eaters as you seem to have quite alot of bottom dwellers.

yeah i know about the severum, do you know how quick they grow?

the clown loaches are 2 years old and have barely grown, they are only about 2 inches
I would do a 40% to 50% water change.
Rinse the sponge in old tank water, not tap water.

I think clown loaches are slow growers. But the tanks is to small.
I would do a 40% to 50% water change.
Rinse the sponge in old tank water, not tap water.

I think clown loaches are slow growers. But the tanks is to small.

ok cool, i already added some 'interpret anti fungus and finrot' treatment, if i remove 40% water should i add anymore treatment or just leave well alone?
thanks :good:

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