Whats Wrong With His Head?


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Jan 17, 2005
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I was just feeding my bettas and i found something (else!!) wrong with my copper boy. He's had fin rot pretty much since i've had him - No idea why, his water is pretty much perfect, but he still has recovered from it, but it hasn't got any worse recently so thats one thing :/

Anyway, the problem i noticed today was that his head looks really weird. It looked like a lump at first but i looked a little closer and its actually the scales sticking up -_- Its not dropsy or something is it?! However awful this guy looks he's a really sweet little betta and i'd hate to lose him after trying so hard to get him over his fin problems :( But i have no idea what that is on his head... any ideas? I put some salt in his tank and raised the temp just incase, but any other suggestions??



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Try and see if you can see a parasite beneath the scales.
It sounds very simular to what my betta had, he lost the scales around that lump soon after i noticed it. i just kept his water super clean and used melafix and salt in his water changes. it went away and he perked up, doing fine now. i assumed mine ahd head hole but it could have been alot of things. how long have you had your betta? if u purchasd him recently from a breeder, ask if any of his other fish have the same symptoms.
Any white edging around the scales.
I've had him for about 6 months, but as i said, he's had problems all that time. He doesn't eat very well so he's quite skinny. He has a pick at stuff but mostly spits it back out :(

No white edges around the scales. It isn't actually a lump, just the scales sticking up so it looks like one..
My betta had this once. I did bigger water changes more often and it went away.
it sounds like somthing is not right with your water, do u have other bettas that live under the same conditions? how r they doing? im not trying pick at your betta care routine and piss you off or anything, just wondering if its an isolated incident or if your other fish are ahveing trouble as well.
He's actually in a divided tank with two others who are absolutely fine - very healthy and happy. All my bettas get exactly the same water changes and this one is the only one who's sick so i dont know whats going on.. :/
I know this doesn't help, but man, he's a beautiful one, isn't he? It's a real shame about the fin rot and the other things wrong with him :( poor guy. He's just so pretty, it's a real shame too.
My first suggestion is isolate him - as you don't want to risk getting the other fishies sick with that scaley stuff.

As for the treatment - I would suggest hitting him w/ tetracycline and fungus eliminator (follow dosage directions)

If the other fish are fine - it might not be your water, it just this one betta that's got a bad disease.
Good luck - hope he gets better!!! :)
I'd also suggest throwing in some Doc. Wellfish Aquarium Salt in there too.
It seems to help speed up healing and helps the medication too.
Maybe it's just because I've dealt with it in the past and I'm paranoid, but that reeeeally sounds like TB. Not the thing on his face, but that he tries to eat and spits it back out, along with wasting and having constant finrot. Personally, I'd isolate him immediately and run a course of Maracyn and Maracyn II, then try feeding him crushed up antibacterial medicated food. If he does have TB he'll have serious trouble taking the pellets right away, but hopefully the external meds would help with that and also with whatever that is going on with his cheek
Anyone remember my poor boy?? Well, he's getting worse :(

I dont understand it at all. He is in his own heated, filtered tank, has daily water changed with the same water all my other bettas have (they're all in perfect health) and he's just getting worse... The thing on his head has now turned into HITH from what i can make out, he's got soooo skinny cos he doesn't eat much, and his fins are starting to fuse together.

I cant believe he's still alive, i feel so sorry for him, but i have no idea what else i can do for him.. :sad:

Any meds????

Anyone remember my poor boy?? Well, he's getting worse :(

I dont understand it at all. He is in his own heated, filtered tank, has daily water changed with the same water all my other bettas have (they're all in perfect health) and he's just getting worse... The thing on his head has now turned into HITH from what i can make out, he's got soooo skinny cos he doesn't eat much, and his fins are starting to fuse together.

I cant believe he's still alive, i feel so sorry for him, but i have no idea what else i can do for him.. :sad:


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