Whats this syphon thing.

I just use my mouth and then put the end wherever I want the water to go... I have like 50 feet of tubing so it doesnt ever get in my mouth, but even when I only use like 5 it's not difficult do start it without getting water in your mouth. I know there are other tricky ways to start it but this works perfectly for me so I'll keep doing it.
If your fish water is that bad that you can't handle haveing a bit in your mouth then you are a bad aquarist IMHO (germaphobics, OCD sufferers, and saltwater keepers excluded)

Nobody mentioned the easiest method. If you have a powerhead, or a canister, just stick the vac in front of the outlet and let it do the work.

I have always used the sucking method to start mine, and I would agree with noelberg, there is some sense of satisfaction in not getting a mouthful of water. You know you've "arrived" when you can do this properly. This thread reminds me of a funny story. When I was a kid, had tanks all over the house, Big tank in dining room. We lived on top of a big hill, so when I would clean the dining room tank I would just run a garden hose in through the window, stick one end in the tank, run the other end out to the street and suck to get the siphon started. Length of the hill caused a really good water flow rate. Anyway, I'm watching the water level in the tank, glance out the window just in time to see a passing jogger pick the hose up from the curb and take a big long thirst quenching drink........... :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

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