What's The Weirdest Thing Your Fish Do?

I have a dwarf pleco that buries himself in sand so you can only see the tip of his head and eyes. I fall for it every time and think he's dead but he's just hiding, apparently.

Correction, I HAD a dwarf pleco, found him dead this morning :-(
As soon as my fish see me they all race to the top of the tank incase its feeding time!

I have 2 German blue rams who are real characters. I got an influx of snails on some plants I bought so took to squashing them when i see them. As soon as the rams see me they race over to a snail they have spotted and stare like mad. I then put my hand in take it to a rock and squash it - but I have to be careful because the rams are so eager to gobble it up before the other one does that they nearly get their noses squashed with it!! :lol:
My orange male guppy schools with my harlequin rasboras, and act EXACTLY like them, its very strange.....but entertaining!
my gold barbs regualrily jump out of the tank the bang of them hittin the tank cover is mad nosiy even found one in my breeder net one morning looking all sorry for himself and my pleco bout 6 inches sleeps head in the sand and tail in the air he gettin too big do that now lol :rolleyes:
My male Betta likes to just hang out on one or two favourite leaves... when he isn't chasing bubbles or swimming in the filter flow (so much for bettas liking still water - someone forgot to tell him!). He also has a certain spot, among the frogbit, where he likes his pellets to be dropped and will go there and wait if I open the lid
My Kuhlis spend hours doing vertical laps of the side of the tank.
One of my female Peppered corys likes to make sure the underneath of the plant leaves are nice and clean - all of them, while my male Albino cory likes to wriggle around upside down under an anubias leaf (his belly to the underneath of the leaf).

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