What's The Weirdest Thing Your Fish Do?

:lol: chibi sounds like a little charactor
One of my black mollies schools with my tiger barbs and will even pick fights like they do to each other. But as soon as one acknowledges him i think reality sets in a bit, and he goes back to just swimming around beside them.
My Betta watches TV... He's on a stand next to my TV, he'll swim up, settle onto a nice comfortable leaf and stare at the tv for ages. Then get bored when the adverts come on, do a few laps to make sure his tank is still secure then settle back on his leaf and watch some more...
I'm convinced it's just the flashing lights... or is it ? The day he steals my remote, I'll know!
my Red tail blue botia hitch hiked in some white rock I got from out of another place's system.

Sadly he met death the same way when I took the rock out of the tank, and despite shaking well, he stayed in, and outside didn't make it.
A brand new Fire eel that I bought last weekend decided to show me why I am glad the basement has a floor drain. He decided to jump out of his new tank and pushed out the filter return hose so as the Fluval filtered the water it was pumped straight out on the floor. Next thing I know I am going down the stairs and hear what sounds like a dry filter and look to see what is going on and here is a 55 gallon tank with about 15 gallons left. The eel was on the cover of the floor drain wondering why it seemed so much drier than before.
Let's see...

I had a new harlequin in my 10G hosiptal recovering from a fungal infection he came from the lfs with. I have a UV sterilizer on that tank with a outlet hose that goes right into the tank. I had the uv filter & pump off and the harlequin swam up the hose and got stuck right where the tub meets the filter. I meant to take the filter/pump out but got busy and found him back up the tube, but dead this time.

I have 3 sunset honey gouramis. They are like circus clowns. They swim around in a circle of three and have little "slap fests" with their feelers. It's very funny to watch.

I have a pair of lesbian angels who take turns laying eggs every week. They are strongly bonded to each other.

I had some new platies and a new female swordtail who went into my hospital tank. I have a glass with a plastic back strip that fits snugly aroudn the filter, heater, etc, but I had taken the back piece off to accomodate my UV sterilizer. When I got up the next morning, I noticed that 2 fish were missing from the hospital. I looked all over. Finally, I found the female swordtail dead on the floor under the tank. I couldn't find the missing platy till I looked up and noticed it had died WHILE STUCK TO MY WALL about 1.5 feet off the floor.

I have 3 angel fry in a new 29G tank I just bught. One will only eat freeze dried blood worms, one will only eat flake food, and the other will only eat algae wafers I feed the otos I have in the tank. Frustrating lot, but incredibly cute.

I have 2 sailfin plecs in my 55G tank. They like to lay on top of each other. First time I saw it, I thought one was dead, but not so much.

I used to have a dwarf gourami that ruled my 30G cube as a benevolent dictator. He did not tolerate any aggression between fish. Any two fish that chase each other or whatever got rammed by him till they stopped. As long as the tank was peaceful, he was a happy boy. Sadly, my foray into CO2 injection killed him.

In my 30G cube tank, I have one of the nutrafin ladders that are suction cupped to the side of the tank. There are platies, mollies and otos in the tank. In the course of 3 days after I added it, I think every fish in the tank (that was small enough) had managed to get stuck behind the ladder and needed to be rescued. Finally, I loosened the top two suction cups and no one has been stuck since.
I recently got some ottos as the price had come down to 1.50 each. And i have noticed that 1 of them likes to sit ontop of the amazon leaves and scoot along untill it is half out of the water and just sit there for hours.
SOmeone was showing me there cory who is very small and cant get to the food normally gets a mouthfull of sand and swims halfway up the tank. He then spits it out and all the fish chase it thinking its food and he has all the real food to himself lol
Let's see...

I have 3 sunset honey gouramis. They are like circus clowns. They swim around in a circle of three and have little "slap fests" with their feelers. It's very funny to watch.

I have some aswell, and it is the funniest thing to watch. Do yours like to rest in the substrate and stretch out their feelers in frot of them and just cabbage like that for ages.
They do all sorts of crazy stuff with their feelers. They do rest on the gravel like you described, but it's rare that they're resting. They really like to taunt the other fish by swimming up next to them and flicking the other fish with their feelers. I also see them so interested in eating whatever is on the gravel that they'll turn almost completely upside down while they're pecking at the ground.

They other thing that's cool about them is they seem to play follow the leader a lot. Particularly with going to the surface to get a breath. When they do, all three will do it in succession, normally racing from the bottom of the tank to the top and back to the bottom, then back to playing.
my endler playfully attacks my two good sized guppies at feeding time. he keeps bumping their bellies...its funny to watch.
my skunk cleaner shrimp in my SW tank swims to the surface and pokes his legs in and out of the water.....he also pulls food out of the clowns mouth if a big piece is hanging out.
My black ghost knife fish sleeps upside down. And my discus fish follow you up and down the tank no matter which way you move they will follow.

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