Pets I grew up with:
Birds of Prey of many types, hawks, falcons, owls, kookaburras, etc, too many to list. I flew my own Barn Owl from the age of 5, a Kestrel from the age of about 11, and a Buzzard from the age of 16 until I went to uni.
People were always bringing various dying animals and birds to our front door for my dad to help, so we always had some wild animals around the house, hedgehogs, mice, small birds, a fox...... at school my dad was the Animal Man!
We had an Owl Monkey called Doris from a friend who couldn't look after it anymore. We rehomed it after a few years, it went into a breeding programme at a zoo in Wales after we found out that they were really endangered and there were only 27 breeding pairs in captivity.
We had a Coati Mundi, which is a member of the Racoon family from North America, called Colin. They eat fruit and eggs, great creature, have no idea where my dad got it from! See pic.
Have had various snakes, frilled lizards, chameleons living free in the plants of our conservatory, sun birds, rabbits and guinea pigs, russian hamsters, a mole, ferrets, a jackdaw, terrapins, all kinds of fish, dogs, and probably some I have forgotten about! The only thing we never had was a cat because my dad hates them!