Whats the most you've paid for a single


Go Hawks!
Mar 19, 2004
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After reading the thread in chat about your most expensive fish, I thought it would be interesting to do one on plants. Please state if you bought it at a LFS, chain store, online dealer, ebay, etc.

The most I ever paid was $14.99 for a Crinum calamistratum. It's got about 6 leaves (3 - 6") sprouting from the bulb. I got it at a LFS and had been looking for one since I saw the one in GF's tank. I also paid $13.99 for a decent size Anubias barteri (LFS).
ha ha, nice thread.

i paid £20 (£5 per pot) for 4 tubs of riccia a while ago. sounds like a rip off but i've never needed to buy any more since, the stuff grows and grows.

the pot is about 3 inches across so pretty small

the only other expensive ones are the tiger lotus lillies, £7.50 each i think but still not too bad.
Paid £11 for an anubias minima but it never even got to my tank,my 5 yr old son came to help and squashed it beond repare :X
jimbooo said:
slightly off topic but i've spent about £200 on lighting alone in 3 tanks. i thought this was a cheap hobby!!
lmao, who told you that, a friendly fish shop owner..... :rofl:
Woodyofstoke said:
jimbooo said:
slightly off topic but i've spent about £200 on lighting alone in 3 tanks. i thought this was a cheap hobby!!
lmao, who told you that, a friendly fish shop owner..... :rofl:

funnily enough yes :rofl: , i went in for a gold fish bowl (didn't know any better and here we are now with 3 tropical tanks) fell for that one hook line and sinker. no pun intended :lol:
Not much :) Th most I've spend one one trip on plants is about 12 dollars $, but I got lot of plants ;) One one single plant... My Amazon Sword was 4 bucks. My tiger lotus lily is probably worth 10, it is REALLY hardy and lovely to look at... I got a pack of bulbs, 3 for 2 dollars :)

I really want one of the huge 20$ Amazon swords, but I'll hold off until I have ROOM for one!
Right now, my fish are a nice backdrop for my plants. :p The most expensive plant is an anubia barteri in my 15g. That cost $9.99. Another anubia, which the lfs labeled as a A. coffeefolia, but IMO it's an A. petite nana. That was $4.99. That doesn't mean I don't spend on plants. My Aquaplant.com order from late August was over $70! And most of my money spent on my tanks in IL has been devoted to plant care.
I spent $25 for a piece of driftwood with anubias attached. Was worth it since now it is flowering and looks awesome (in the low light area of my tank, underneath the big plants)....

And jimboo....I spent $400 on lights just for my 30gal...thats 2 30inch compact fluoro fixtures plus the bulbs. Plus a substrate heater, plus laterite, plus test kits, plus sugar and yeast for DIY CO2 etc. etc.
$8.99 for my tiger lotus bulb, with a few leaves.

I get most of my plants through members of the local aquarium society...
one of my tanks had a real algea problem along w/ new tank syndrome so i ran out to the lfs and grabbed 13 bundles of hornwort for $40. Yea i know what your thinking, but it was worth it to me :)
As for how much i spent on fish, supplies, etc., the amount is somewhere up there along side this great college education im getting :)

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