What's The Most You've Paid For A Fish?

How much have you paid???

  • 0.99P - 5GBP (approx. $9)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5GBP - 10GBP (approx. $18)

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  • 10GBP - 20GBP (approx $35)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20GBP - 50GBP (approx. $89)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50GBP - 100GBP (approx. $178)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100GBP + ($178 +)

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Ive never paid more than £10 for a tropical fish but I have paid £40 for a Diamond Sturgeon and £35 for a koi.
I paid £29 for my plec, which is the most i've ever paid for a fish, but he was worth every penny.
Infact, when he starts to grow i'll even upgrade my tank size to accomodate him.
single fish £49.99 for a L200
multiple purchases in one go £78.90
£7.00 each, for a panda cory, omg you were ripped off. At my LFS, healthy good quality tanks etc no lacking in facilities or anything like that, price for panda corys are £2.00 each.

I beg to differ, good quality panda corys are usually £6-10. If you can buy them for £2 they are either TINY or are a bad quality batch. Corydoras can be very dodgy if you buy ones that have been poorly bred or badly handled during transit (either of these factors would contribute to it being cheaper).

Now if you go ask this in the SW section, you will get some big numbers.
If Live Rock counts, I've spent about $60 on it :crazy:
For FW, I've spent $20 on a 4 inch albino cichlid :blink:
Well, it was the Flagtail prochilodus, $37 that died the same week :-(
$100 on multiple fish in one go.
£20 for a Black Ranchu (massive)
£10 for a puffer

I'm dreading to think how much my 3 AB's will cost me :S
Most i've ever spent is £5.90 per fish on my red line torpedo bards (i have 3 and they're great :D )

I have seen a marine (saltwater) large puffer fish, can't remember the exact name, in my lfs that was on sale for £230 :S
I paid $20 for my large angel. He is one of the sole survivors of my newbie days. My boesmani rainbows come in second. They cost about $12-$15 each. I have 6, so all together they cost me between $72-$90. I bought them separately over a short period of time.

If I had to do it all over again I would. They were worth every penny.
I paid $40 each for a trio of Betta albimarginata. Seems like a lot for a 2" fish, but they're totally worth it.
The most i've ever paid for a fish by far is £20's for my para plec(L075 i think), love him to bits he is very gorgeous and full of character and much more active than my large hefty common and sailfin plecs- plus he doesn't get half as big as them which is a relief as well.
£300 for the beuty in my sig, £120 for my stingray and £100 for my albino sturgeon are my top priced fish.

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