What's the last fish that you spawned?

If I remember right Tetra fry are almost microscopically small. Very difficult to feed. I've never seen any but I've heard that about them from many sources.
Get some tight moss they can go into and feed infusoria I suppose.
All that after you figure out how to actually get the parents breeding...
Get some tight moss they can go into and feed infusoria I suppose.
All that after you figure out how to actually get the parents breeding...
This bit about infusoria on Java Moss may not be as true as was once thought. I recently read information from a guy who claims to have put this to a microscope to verify and he says the moss was devoid of extraneous life forms. Is that always the case ? Who knows ? I have to wonder why it would be an infusoria oasis when most infusorians are bacteriovores. I started culturing paramecium and they are small but not so small as to be undetectable with the naked eye. If there is something smaller than that then I would be sure to have it on hand were I thinking about spawning Tetra's. You read on this forum all the time about people losing fry because they didn't have the right fry foods on hand. Don't let that happen to you. Often you will accidentally succeed with a fish and to lose the fry would be heartbreaking if you couldn't duplicate your success .
I loved FAMA . Really miss it.
Yeah, I really miss FAMA. Don Dewey was so visionary. His love for tropical fish and R/C made him truly unique. I remember reading an issue of RCM and seeing an advertisement for a new magazine, FAMA. Couldn't wait to subscribe. I wrote Don a letter and told him of my love for both hobbies and how many R/C planes I built and crashed and the number of aquariums I had. My wife was a saint putting up with all of this. But the kids loved it!
This bit about infusoria on Java Moss may not be as true as was once thought. I recently read information from a guy who claims to have put this to a microscope to verify and he says the moss was devoid of extraneous life forms. Is that always the case ? Who knows ? I have to wonder why it would be an infusoria oasis when most infusorians are bacteriovores. I started culturing paramecium and they are small but not so small as to be undetectable with the naked eye. If there is something smaller than that then I would be sure to have it on hand were I thinking about spawning Tetra's. You read on this forum all the time about people losing fry because they didn't have the right fry foods on hand. Don't let that happen to you. Often you will accidentally succeed with a fish and to lose the fry would be heartbreaking if you couldn't duplicate your success .
No, I meant culturing the infusoria. I wouldn't just trust the moss to have enough on there for the fry's nutritional needs
The last fish that bred in my tank was Daisy's ricefish (Oryzias woworae). The females constantly had eggs hanging from them but the fry didn't survive in the main tank. This was back when I had a betta in what's now my cherry shrimp tank and I moved some floating plants in there which must have had eggs on. I was very surprised to see some tiny blue specs in the tank and when I looked at them with a magnifying glass they were fry. This betta totally ignored them so I left the fry with him till they were big enough to join the shoal in the main tank.

Other than fish, the nerites lay eggs and the cherry shrimps are constantly breeding.
Bronze and Pepper Cories plus the BN's all went into "BLRM" (otherwise known as Breeding Like Rabbits Mode) at the same time and completely over ran the aquariums.

Must have been the mineral water that done it.....
Bronze and Pepper Cories plus the BN's all went into "BLRM" (otherwise known as Breeding Like Rabbits Mode) at the same time and completely over ran the aquariums.

Must have been the mineral water that done it.....

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