What's The Funniest Thing Your Fish Has Ever Done?

Omen is my big old Jaguar cichlid, and like most cichlids do, he rearranges the gravel in his tank a lot. However, he also has half a dozen golfball-sized apple snails in there, and he's decided those are just "rocks that move". So he'll pick them all up in his mouth,one at a time, dump them in one corner or another, and chase after them to pick them up and put them BACK where he wants them. Sometimes he'll do this for 30 minutes to an hour. Then he gets really annoyed they won't stay put, whaps the whole pile with his tail, scattering them, and ignores them for a day or two before doing it again.
Well one time my DSP jumped out of its tank and my blindes it landed back in the tank but came out about 5in out of the water! My mum told me she screamed and jumped back :lol:
I have my 55 Gal set up in my living room and I just recently bought a 50 inch HDTV. Well now my Severum will sit there in the corner of the tank thats directly facing the TV, like hes watching it. He helps me root for the Panthers whenever they play football every Sunday. :D
i have a congo puffer on my desk who sits right up against the glass most days and watches me, whenever i pick up a red pen he goes absolutely mad swimming up and down the glass and grinding his teeth, he's even puffed himself up once. However if i write with any other pen thats ok. I guess the sight of the red pen waving about really winds him up but its quite funny as it got to point where i only have to pick a red pen up and he's grinding his teeth.
w e added a very light cave tube in the cave we stck it down with pebbles and our clown fish went in it and the cave tubejust went up at the top of the aquariam near the water filter and he was spiining
Hahaha, all of these stories are excellent! I have another one. I do a fast day once in a while, and my Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid races back and forth across the tank looking for any forms of food, looking all paniced and worked up. It's like he's going, " Oh my god, oh my god, I always get food at this time and it's not here! Where is it, where iiiiiiis iiit?!?!"
somethings happened quite funny today...my hubby bought me a special remote control submersible submarine for aquariums from our lfs which we'd never seen before. when he tested it out, all the fishes in my tank thought it was something to eat and went heading over. once we began to move it around the tank all the little tetras, harlequins and danios decided it was worth chasing after it and then headbutting it once we stopped it. it was like "follow the bear" (or in this case follow the submarine) they all go beserk when we put it back in thinking its playtime now....my parents have also bought me some disco lights specially fitted for aquriums which i've got to fit soon so not sure what they'd make of that.

I want one of those submarines! Where did you get it? Or could you let me know the make of it and I might be able to get my LFS to order one in for us. :good:
I had a baby Sailfin Pleco who went very weird when I fed him a pea. He'd latch onto the pea, half curl up, and just let the current move him around the tank.....mostly upside down! What a goof! Had to name him "Peabrain"! :D
my elephant nose (10 inches) pokes my hand with his nose every time i clear my tank, he pokes around trying to find food in my fingers because i usaly feed him brine shrimp out of my hand its so cute!!!! :lol: :wub:

Omen is my big old Jaguar cichlid, and like most cichlids do, he rearranges the gravel in his tank a lot. However, he also has half a dozen golfball-sized apple snails in there, and he's decided those are just "rocks that move". So he'll pick them all up in his mouth,one at a time, dump them in one corner or another, and chase after them to pick them up and put them BACK where he wants them. Sometimes he'll do this for 30 minutes to an hour. Then he gets really annoyed they won't stay put, whaps the whole pile with his tail, scattering them, and ignores them for a day or two before doing it again.

cute!!! :good:
I got another one if no one else does LOL. My male cockatoo dwarf cichlid knows what a pipette is now, as I spot feed him with it for fun. He'll grab it with his whole mouth, which is HUGE, then back up and stare at it all expectant like.
My story is highly amusing like all your stories but it's alright :)

I placed half a algae wafer in my tank and the majority of my fish zoomed across to it then about 2 minutes later my Rendahls catfish came out of hiding headbutted all the fish out of the way picked the algae wafer in his mouth swam away and the algae wafer was never seen again....
love the oto vid......when our yoyos were teeny one unknown to us would head into our internal fluval filter outflow spout for a rest. id been cleaning the tank & had turned the fluval off..i turned it back on & out shot a very surprised looking yoyo at great speed! i dont know who was more shocked him or me.

i also loved the time one of our teeny amano shrimps marched up to a yoyo loach again (now much bigger at around 5 & a half inches ) & snatched a catfish tablet that the yoyo was eating literally from right under its whiskers, the shrimp then swam off clutching the tablet leaving a very baffled looking loach!!!
Well this afternoon into tonight.

My betta has just kept swimming and swimming and swimming around my filter doing circles and circles and circles lol.

I think it has gone loopy :S
Funniest thing my fish have done is probably my gourami trying to eat a catfish pellet. see video below.
Gourami vid

Also i find my ghost shrimp to be highly amusing as they try and grab all the food they can possibly hold and then make a run for it.
Ghost shrimp vid

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