What's The Biggest Freshwater Aquarium Fish You've Ever Seen?

I saw a 20'' pacu and a 15'' oscar the other day. not to mention my friends enormous 17'' pleco.

the fish that ive seen i dont know the actual size but its some sort of amazon puffer. I estimate it to be around 16". The biggest fish ive read about for aquariums is a 28" fish. Its a type of cat fish.
17'' pleco. ???!!!???!???!!??!

WTF thats nt normal lol really they can get that big ppeopel who sold me mine sed they would only reach 6" at the most :S

Sure they'd be fine in freshwatwer...
lets try it get me a shark and a really big tank :D with no salt

thats mad i've seen plcs up to 3 feet in my local shop but it does depend on the species
5 inch female guppy

lol jokes
erm probaly pacu he must've been at least 25"
biggest fish i have seen in a tank was at "wharf aquatics" near notts they had a huge plec that always seemed to be at the back if there main display tank and never came to the front cant for the life of me remember what it was called though ????
I caught the biggest one the other day I promise you all!

It was THAT big: |................|........
At the Omaha Henry Dorley Zoo, in the Lied Jungle, they have 4 huge 15 foot long Ararpiamas, which I've seen on multiple occasions.
I saw a 7 foot Bull Shark when I was in Jamaica last year, it was in the river I tubed down. . . . I saw it after we got out, which worried me slightly. . . . . . . . oh well.
2-3 foot catfish maybe, cant really remember all the fish ive seen in zoo's etc as when your not into them you tend not to remember things that arnt fury and swing from trees.
I saw a great white shark at an aquarium, it was huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge. couple of metres long.
Great whites have never been successfully kept in captivity. The record appears to be slightly over 6 months but most have lived less than 2 or 3 weeks. Iguess it's possible you saw one that was kept for a short time though.


Back to the original topic, I guess the largest I've seen would be some sturgeons at the Atlanta or Tennessee aquariums.
Biggest FW fish that I remember seeing would be the RTC at Wharf, or the gars they have in that tank. Not really big compared to what some of you have seen, but it really put into perspective how big these things are.
Zambezi shark i saw on holiday in Africa. Only real freshwater shark as far as im aware and pretty darn big

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