Whats the Attraction?

Debo said:
I am at work now and I just picked up and have in my car a new 35 gallon hex tank for Sunny and some new buddies!!!!!!!! Cab a betta go in that with Gouramis? I do have a bookcase that is built in.............24 feet long............10 feet high with 6 shelves for each section.........HHHMMMMMMMM How many Bettas??????
I wouldn't mix the two....there WILL be fighting . Also a hex is much too tall for a betta, he would be exhausted from all the trips up to the top to gulp air (they're not huge swimmers like gouramis)

Get a betta and get him his OWN small tank,he'd be much happier in there alone
Debo...don't mix the betta with a gourami or anything else that has long fins. Oddly enough they seem quite content being alone.

I know you like hex tanks and they sell a nice 2 gallon one a walmart with an underground filter that you don't need and a light for about $20.
My only complaint is it's just one fish....I really think I want to get one of those divided tanks...i've seen them with three dividers and close to a 3 gallon tank...so 3 one gallons, or two 1.5 gal. etc. Then I would have at least three with different tank designs.

Although the typical veil tailed betta found in most stores is very nice, my personal favorite is the crowntail like in wuvmybetta's avitar.
<<Bettas are fabulous, I love them, I have 36 of them >>

:eek: now that's what i call betta addiction. how do you keep track of all of them, who to feed, where to change water, etc? and how long does it take you to do maintanance for all of them?
I start off at the kitchen counter in the morning and just make a huge circle through the house with a handful of betta bites to feed (and d'oh,they usually eat twice a day,brats :rolleyes: )
Cleanings are one time a week,Friday or Saturday morning,it varies. That takes about 2-3 hours to do everybody. I DO have a couple of messies that need partial changes two to three times a week :rolleyes:. I've noticed I'm like a robot when it comes to water changes...I do them without even realizing it ;)
wuvmybetta said:
I start off at the kitchen counter in the morning and just make a huge circle through the house with a handful of betta bites to feed (and d'oh,they usually eat twice a day,brats :rolleyes: )
Cleanings are one time a week,Friday or Saturday morning,it varies. That takes about 2-3 hours to do everybody. I DO have a couple of messies that need partial changes two to three times a week :rolleyes:. I've noticed I'm like a robot when it comes to water changes...I do them without even realizing it ;)
It's like a nursery and the water changes are changing diapers. :lol:

Now that I look at it, the Cambodian color pattern is definitely now my favorite!
Itty Bitty betta,
What does a Cambodian look like?

Wow you are really starting to know me!!! Yes I do like hex tanks! I am an Interior Designer and when I got my first tank I didn't want it to LOOK like a tank in my living room. I treat decorating the tank the way I decorate a room-function, design, texture, and what's good for the fish of course. i have been able to design some really nice looking tanks for my customers too and they fit into the rooms perfectly and look good too. I am a nut, so don't mind me. My husband says my tanks are like little/big dollhouses!!!
I wanted a dollhouse for Christmas one year and I didn't get it and it scarred me for life!!!!! It's the big joke in the family. So now I work and have for the past 20 years in a furniture store. I got my BIG DOLLHOUSE MOM and DAD!!!!
I'll go to therapy now.......................
Debo said:
Itty Bitty betta,
What does a Cambodian look like?
They are generally a pink or pinkish red body with darker fin colors and looks like this: -note that this is not my cambodian-


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