Whats preventing you from...

Parents, money and space!! At the moment i really don't have space for anything but what i have. I don't have any money lol and my parents dont see the need for me to get a really big tank! How unfair! lol

:angry: HUSBAND :grr: He says two tanks is enough at home (I also have one at work and am planning the second there.) I'd really like to have at least two more. One divided with male bettas and another with a community of betta females.
Husbands and wives can be easily changed :lol: If they are the only thing holding you back from your fish keeping dreams than give them the sack and find someone who shares or tollerates your obsessions.
CFC said:
Husbands and wives can be easily changed :lol: If they are the only thing holding you back from your fish keeping dreams than give them the sack and find someone who shares or tollerates your obsessions.
Hey, I was also about to say it can easily be changed, but not in that manner :grr: lol
The way to do it is to "bribe" them without them knowing. Sometimes it requires a bit of effort and time, but in the end it always pays off. Just pamper your other half / husband / wife for a week (or if too much effort just buy a really nice gift / spa session / holiday) - while dropping subtle but very clear hints - and voila !
I can (almost) guarantee success. I speak from experience ;)

And on the rare occasion that I am refused, even I know that I'm pushing my boundaries of luck and flattery :lol:
My wife looks like giving in soon to my desires :D
She did say the other night that she might buy me a big tank for my 40th (next January) - So i've told her that we just have room for a 6x2x2 and she said "ok but then thats it - no more do you promise"
I said yes but had me fingers crossed - ha :)
If I had a wife, and she didn't like fish, for her birthday I'll buy her new furniture.
Fishy furniture :look:
jimw13uk said:
So i've told her that we just have room for a 6x2x2 and she said "ok but then thats it - no more do you promise"
I said yes but had me fingers crossed - ha :)
Tut Tut - a promise is a promise. Shame on you ! ;)
^Yeah........That sound about right... :thumbs:
yeah but look at it this way: as an adult, if you make a promise to a child, you have to keep it, or they will just never believe you again. Therefore I use the word "promise" with extreme caution ! And when I do, I mean it - come hell or high water :)
But I know what you mean ;)

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