Hi all, semi newbie here, i just read with great interest everything i could find here about pH, and i have a bit of a question for anyone who has an opinion on it.
So, the scenario is- temp 26/27, mature tank with no ammonium/nitrate probs, 5 gallons, weekly 15% changes. contains one Betta (loving the conditions), and one golden eel tail (Hyrtl"s Tandan or Neosilurus hyrtlii- small growing catfish, Australian native, lives in range of conditions from fast flowing clear waters to filthy stagnant dams/lakes).
The problem is, pH continually rising past 8.1. Water is medium hard. Betta is very happy but i am concerned about my catty, as i would think he is mainly tolerant of low pH, living with lots of decaying organic material in the wild. He has been in the tank for 3 days, and is starting to eat.
I come from a lfs background (a few years ago, no more though), where as a newbie it was hammered into me that pH is critical and that pH adjusting products were as important as water conditioner ( profit margins eh?), to be used immediately there was a change in pH. ( to correct pH gradually though, not dump a cupfull in at once!)
So, to the point (finally!)- should i stop doing this and hope my catty deals with it at a steady but very high pH, or should i keep adjusting down? none of the techniques i have read here for lowering and maintaining a lower pH have been effective enough to keep it really steady.