What's In Your Water?

in responce to bignoses bit I'd like to add that the R factor in reaction C is useually Bicarbonate, Also I dont think Activated Carbon removes NH3 there are alot of newbs who lose fish to new tank syndrom while useing a brand new filter cartrage with AC
It is a pinned article now. :thumbs: :cool:

Anyways, I didn't see this while scrolling down. I wanted to mention that algae bloom sdue to phosphates, true. The reason it saps up O2 is because (well, this is according to my AP bio teacher) is because the algae dies, and the bacteria that breaks he algae down uses cellular respiration to do so, requiring O2, which is what reduces O2 levels.
Also during the night the algea uses O2 just like fish and plants do, only there is alot of it so just before dawn the tank is full od CO2, if your KH is to low the PH swings will cause the fish to get stressed and even die
The update includes
Iron, oxygen, carbon dioxide, chlorine/chloramine & copper.

anything else that you can think of that should be added?
Just some minor snags.

gH and kH should read KH and GH.

CaCO2 should read CaCO3.

Adjusting CO2 levels will generally not affect KH, only pH.

Adding peat will not lower GH only KH (and consenquently pH).

Nice post though.
Ive just set up my freshwater tank, and filled it with water. Got the temperture to the correct level but there are millions of tiny bubbles on the inside of the glass. Ive wiped them away but the just reappear. Any ideas please?

Cheers will keep an eye on it, have just spent £400 on all the equipment and fish etc so hope it all works out. Got correct temp and ph levels so will have to wait and see. Will keep you informed.

Hi all.

having read all that, I'm still having trouble getting my head around my readings that I've just got from using a 5in1 strip test for the first time...currently running an old (slightly knackered) juwel vision and cycling a trigon 350 ready to take over.

the readings for the established tank (scaring me somewhat):

ph : 6.4
kh : 0
gh : 3
nitrate : 250+
nitrite : 0 - 0.5

for the new tank:

ph : 6.4
kh : 0
gh : 3
nitrate : 10
nitrite : 0

so, I'm wondering whether to started liberating my chaps and chapesses from the old tank into the new, but just don't know what to do for the best

any advice, comments etc, gratefully received.
hi Vick
firstly you can not have a kH of zero, by the scale the lowest kH is 1.
secondly if your established tank is running at 250ppm for no3, there would be no living animal in there.

I suggest that you invest in a decent test kit, like API freshwater master kit (around £15) as this uses liqued chemicals rather than a litmus strip, which are very inaccurate.

don't worry about yor pH, a level of 6.4 is ideal for most fish.
It is far better to have a stable pH than one that is continually fluctuating
hi Vick
firstly you can not have a kH of zero, by the scale the lowest kH is 1.
secondly if your established tank is running at 250ppm for no3, there would be no living animal in there.

I suggest that you invest in a decent test kit, like API freshwater master kit (around £15) as this uses liqued chemicals rather than a litmus strip, which are very inaccurate.

don't worry about yor pH, a level of 6.4 is ideal for most fish.
It is far better to have a stable pH than one that is continually fluctuating

Oh blimey, thought I was being all efficient buying these blooming strips, no wonder I couldn't make any sense of the findings! the lowest marking on the scale for KH is 0 and the next one up is 3, so clearly not a particularly specific measure...

good new about the ph though eh!!

thanks for that, I'll invest in a liquid test methinks.

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