whats in your tank

265 gal U.S. 17 inch red bellied Pacu
10 inch Turquoise Severum

90 gal U. S. 3 8 inch Red Hook Silver Dollars
1 5 inch Tiger Oscar

90 Gal. U.S. Corner Tank 1 6 inch Turquoise Severum
2 Moonlight Gourami's
7 Tiger Barbs
2 4 inch Silver Dollars
4 Corydoras Adolphoi

175 Gal. U.S. 1 11 inch Red Devil

Hope thats enough .......for now :shifty:
wow yeah that must be BIG, my fish are in sig but what the hell: 4 guppies 1 sick :/ 1 snail 1 peppered sucking cat 1 head and tails 1 Tail light 5 neons, (I have to update my sig) :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

VCG :fun:
hello, this is my first posting, so sorry if it comes out wrong,

but why cant they just name fish and stick with the one name.

I want to say I have one siamese figter
two lyre tailed mollies
four black phantom tetras
eight neon tetras......................and two other tetras
which most shops Ive visited have in stock........and all call something different........so I have two of either, cresent moon tetras, copeland tetras, flame tetras, rosy tetras, or and these are my own investigations on the internet and what my fish look most like ornate/roberts tetras arrrggggghhhhh :crazy:

but then what is in a name, I adore those two :wub: , along with the phantoms, because of the way they display and move around eachother, both breeds have the same type of fins, and sail around the tank :)

anyway I love this forum, I only found it today, but then Ive only had my first tank a few months, but all doing well, did have a third mollie but he and the betta didnt get on, and he sustained a small injury that got infected, so the shop took him back and he died :(

I think I will add two more of the "ornate" tetras, and 4-6 pentazona barbs........ maybe a couple of little bottom feeders (any suggestions welcomed) and call the tank tanked ;)
In my 18" tank i have 3 female bettas 1 male and 2 corys and going to add a few cardinal tetras eventually.
Seeing as I'm new to the boards, I thought this would be a good thread for me.

33 gallon tank holds:
1 x large male marble angelfish
1 x female silver angelfish (they spawn on the Amazon sword plants all the time but don't hatch them because the tank is too busy)
1 x pleco
2 x opaline gouramis
4 x tiger barbs (of 5)
3 x pearl danios (of 5)
3 x Pakistani loaches
2 x skunk loaches

45 gallon holds:
2 x juvenile marble angels
2 x silver dollars (I know, I know.. I should have more than two of these together.. as soon as the one lfs in my small town gets more, so will I)
4 x cories 1 panda, 1 peppered, 1 skunk, 1 bronze
1 x Chinese algae eater (he was a real bully when in a smaller tank, but he shoals with my cories now and is always too busy cleaning up to cause any trouble)
1 x blue and red male betta
4 x golden barbs
a pair of swords
a bunch of guppies (they provide an excellent source of live food via fry)

10 gallon with guppies, platies, mollies

10 gallon with male betta

8 gallon with male betta

some other single tetras ... leftovers from cycling or surviving members of small schools
Mine's in my signature too, but I have-
1 male betta
1 Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami
1 Black Skirt Tetra
1 red Wag Platy
Well you asked! :D

Botia Macracantha
Botia Modesta
Botia Sidthimunki
Botia Nigrolineata
Botia Angelicus
Botia Almorhae
Botia Histronica
Botia Robusta
Botia Striata
Botia Dario
Acanthopsis choirorhynchus
Pangio semicinctus
Pangio kuhli
Pangio myersi
Lepidocephalichthys guntea
Schistura beavani (plus 12 unknow ones)
Trichogaster microlepis
Corydoras panda
L163 Bigspot Plec
L262 Stardust Plec
L47 Mango Plec
Bunocephalus coracoideus
Otocinclus affinis
Rineloricaria fallax
Rineloricaria sp?
Corydoras aeneus
Botia Eos
L81 Gold Nugget Plec

I think i'll missed some but will come back later! :lol:

Its in my signature and...
if I can ever get my water under control again, (don't know what in the world is going on with it, please help if you can, posted in the Emergencies section)...
I would like to add a few out of the ordinary fish or something larger and striking. Would welcome suggestions on that one too.
By the way, just lost one Molly (a new mom) and one Gouramis and now appear to be losing my other female Molly. Having a bad string of luck all of a sudden.

P.S. Graeme, very impressive, will be looking up those fish for hours tonite. Haven't heard of many of them.

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