whats in your tank

tank 1- 9 harliquin rasboras, 1 lyretail molly, 4 dwarf frogs, 1m and2f guppy(fornow)1 killifish, 1dwarf gorami
tank2-ornate bichir, 3serpae tetras, 2 angel's, 2 blackskirt tetras,1 dwarf gorami....4 snails
thats it for now
Right now i have : 2 Tiger Barbs
5 ACI's
2 Fresh water dolphins
that is in my 10 gallon tank and i hope to get sum smaller fish in my 5 gallon tank and i am purchasing a 30 gallon and hopefully sum new fish
7 neons
2 glowlights
2 pristella's
2 black neons
6 congo tetra's
3 pleco's
1 silver shark
7 neon guppies
1 blind cave fish
1 albino red tailed shark
1 elephant nose
1 blood parrot (i like them so :p and its not dyed so dont even go there)

i think thats about it

Tek :fish:
4 tanks and too many fish to mention them all but amongst them i have

1 Scleropages jardini (australian arowana)
2 Sorubim lima (shovel nose catfish)
2 Satanoperca jurapari
1 Channa orientallis (ceylonese green snakehead)
1 Polypterus ornatipinnis (ornate bichir)
1 Polypterus senegalus (senegal bichir)
1 Polypterus delhizi (armoured bichir)
1 Megladoras Irwini

Which names most of the more unusual fish that i still have after the big disaster.
2 Clown Loaches
6 Neons
4 Rummy Nosed Tetra
4 Serpae Tetra
2 Gold Gourami's
1 Three Spot Gourami
2 Harliquins
1 Platty
2 Chinese Algae Eaters
130 litre tank

4 white cloud mountain minnows
4 neons
2 platies (1 male and 1 female)
1 panda cory (so tiny)
3 leopard corys (so pretty)
1 bronze cory

and 9 little fantails which are moving
In my 55 uk gallon at the mo is

3 bala sharks
3 guppies
2 angles
4 neons
1 glass fish
1 fighter
2 algae eaters

Really want a catfish...but not sure what to go for

right now i have a needle nose gar and a wierd catfish and 2 covits wich i might have to move cause one is a about to have babyes. o yea i for got about the snake fish i have. hes really cool.

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