What's In Your Pharmacy?

I don't keep medications, luckily I've never had to treat anything.
If I did though I have a very handy pet shop down the road I can pick stuff up from in an emergency, the owner is a friend too
Like Cazgar, I remember having this discussion about a year ago and generally came to the conclusion that keeping medicines isn't really neccessary and you'd be better off spending your money on good foods, healthy livestock and plants. Of course if it makes you feel better you can stock all those medicines just in case but i won't do it myself, but don't mind those that do :good:
:sad: :sad: :sad: I bought those stupid sick apistos which infected all my tanks. {Just now finally got a handle on what parasite they had and how to fix the secondary diseases from it} In 3 months I have purchased:

-Seachem Metronidazole
-Quick Cure
-Kordon Rid Ich
-Quinine Sulfate
-Mardel Coppersafe
-Nitrofuracin Green

A few other things as well but after 3 months I have forgotten what I first attempted to treat them with.

By the way, these were the first fish I bought after a fishless cycle. It can happen to anyone. Good to be prepared. :good:
Wow, you guys keep a lot of stuff!

Personally, I don't keep any.

Anything that's curable is not going to kill your fish, as long as they're otherwise healthy, before you can get meds, IME. I'd worry about them losing their active ingredients with long storage.

Good point. The only one's that are shelf safe are probably aquarium salt & Kordon herbal products such as their "Rid Fungus." Being a herbal med it probably has a long shelf life as long as it's still sealed. The rid fungus smells disgusting but it worked more than once for me & it's safer for scaless fish such as kuhlis & corys.
I only keep leftover portions after I've treated. All my meds are 6 - 8 months old or less. I have 2 bottles of API quick cure because I thought I'd need to treat longer but the ich was completely gone in less.
I guess I will revise my post to the actual pharmacy issue.

I will always keep Metronidazole, Every new fish I buy will be fed food laced with it. I'll never risk introducing internal parasites again. I would always keep something that is useful for ich.

Certain people have weaker immune systems, no reason to assume that all fish will be healthy and strong when you get them. I can no longer rely on good luck in this hobby.

So my list:

Aquarium salt for salt baths.
Thanks FishFanatic, I'll read up on those as well - I didn't even knoow about the one you add in with food!
Am i the only one that loves the smell of melafix? smells just like vick's vaporub and Olbas oil, reminds me of being off school with a cold when I was little :rolleyes:
The Seachem Metronidazole is a powder that you can add to food, whichj is why it works really well as long as the infected fish is still eating of course.
Metronidazole is an antibiotic, so you can only get with a prescription in the UK.
Don't forget though, that there are a lot of medication resistant strains of ich around. The API one might not have worked for you guys but for someone else, with a different strain of ich, it might work perfectly.
Oh, and I completely forgot in my last post, when I said I don't keep any meds; I do keep a bottle of clove oil, just in case the worst happens :(

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